I went to the airport at 4 o’clock in the morning to check in. I had 2 suitcases, but my travel agency didn’t put that on my ticket and I had to pay for the over weight. I was pretty upset. I’m going to write an angry letter to my travel agency, so they wouldn’t do the same mistake anymore.
My first stop was in Vilnius, it’s the capital of Lithuania, next stop was in Amsterdam, where I had to switch the planes and from there was straight flight to Madrid. My two flights all together were about 6 hours, but I was still so tired when I got to Madrid.
After I got my first suitcase I was waiting a long time for my other one, but it didn’t come. Suitcase with all my close was gone. I went to ask the KLM Airlines where my luggage was. They took my phone number and the hotel address where I’m staying. They told me that my bag will be sent to the hotel the same day. I was glad to hear that. After that I took my 3 bags and walked out to where Kyle was waiting for me. I was so happy to see him :) Kisses and hugs and we started to walk towards the metro to go to the hotel.
8 bags all together :)
Kyle arrived to Madrid at 7 o’clock in the morning, so he took his bags to the hotel and came back to get me. He learned how to use metro, so it was easier to go back, because we had to switch metro three times. It took us like 30 minutes, but we did it!
The location of the hotel was good,hotel was nice, but the room was really small. I took a quick shower and we went to find a place to eat lunch. People from our hotel recommended us to go to the restaurant near the hotel. It was really nice restaurant so we decided to eat there. People don’t speak english here and if they do it’s only a little. Our first meal in Spain was Paella- what is rice with meat and seafood. It was really good! We also ordered bottle of wine and after we finished that we both where a little bit drunk, because we were really tired of flying and hadn't slept a long time. La cuenta por favor- that’s how I asked the check. I have to start speaking spanish a little bit, because it’s going to be hard without speaking it. After lunch we took siesta, like Spanish people do.
View from our first hotel!
After our siesta we went out to walk around the central. The city is so beautiful, clean and historical. The buildings are just awesome. After a couple of hours we found a small tapas bar and went to eat dinner there. The menu was in spanish, so we didn’t understand anything. We asked the waiter what are his 2 favorite tapas (tapas are wide variety of appetizers, or snacks, in Spanish cuisine) and ordered those. It was exciting because we didn’t even know what we are going to eat soon, lol.
One tapa was Croquette (A croquette is a small fried food roll containing usually masked potatoes and/or minced meat, fish, vegetabled and soaked white bread, egg, onion etc. Both were good.
After dinner we went for a walk in Puerto de Sol and then went back to the hotel. We both like Madrid and it’s going to be awesome to live here. People are nice here andfood is really good. It’s been successful first day and I can’t wait for tomorrow.
I’m happy to be here with Kyle and I know that this year in Europe is going to be amazing.
Lennujaama sõitsin taksoga kella 4ks. Check in-is selgus, et mul on piletile märgitud 1 pagas ja kuna mul oli 2, siis pidin nii öelda üle kilode eest maksma. Olin päris kuri, kuna Estravel ütles mulle, et saan võtta 2 pagasit Estonian Airiga, aga nad olid piletile märkinud vaid 1 pagasi. Ühesõnaga maksin oma üle kilode eest ja Estravelile saadan nüüd kurja kirja.
Esimene lend tegi peatuse Vilniuses enne kui lendas Amsterdami ning sealt edasi suundusin juba Madriidi. Lennud kokku kestsid umbes 6 tundi, aga jõudsin õnnelikult kohale.
Oma kohvreid oodates nägin silmanurgast Kyle mind väljas ootamas. Süda hakkas kohe kiiremini põksuma. Inimesi jäi aina vähemaks ja mina ikka ootan ühte oma kohvrit, aga kus sa sellega ja ei tulnudki. Läksin siis uurima, et kus mu kohver on. Andsin oma andmed ning mulle öeldi, et kohver saadetakse hotelli, kus ööbin. Uhh, vähemalt on olemas. Olin nii paanikas, kuna kõik mu riided olid selles kotis. Eks ma siis jalutasin välja ilma oma kohvrita ja seal ootas mind Kyle. Nii hea oli teda näha. Musid kallid ja hakkasime metroo poole jalutama.
Kyle jõudis Madriidi hommikul kell 7 ning ta otsustas vahepeal kohvrid hotelli viia. Selle ajaga jõudis ta isegi metrooga sõitmise selgeks õppida, väga hea, kuna tagasisõit oli selle tõttu juba lihtsam. Hotelli sõitsime kusagil 30 minutit, kuna pidime 3 korda metrood vahetama.
Hotell oli täpselt kesklinnas, asukoht oli super, kuna said igale poole jalutada. Tuba oli imepisike, aga pole hullu. Võtsin kiire dušši ja läksime lõunat sööma. Väljas oli ikka väga palav- 34 kraadi. Söime lõunat hotelli lähedal asuvas pisikeses restoranis. Meie valikuks osutus Paella liha ja mereandidega (riis liha, krevettide, austritega jne). Toit oli väga maitsev. Võtsime ka pudeli valget veini, mille järel olime mõlemad parajalt purjakil, kuna olime lendamisest väsinud. Harjutasime vähekene ka hispaania keelt, küsisin nimelt arve hispaania keeles. Esimene edusamm. Tubli Heleri :D Peale lõunasööki võtsime siesta (uinak peale lõunasööki), nagu hispaanlastel kohane.
Õhtu poole läksime jalutama ja ümbrusega tutvuma. Mõne tunni mööduses otsisime baari, kus saaks tapasid süüa. Menüü oli hispaania keeles ja ega me midagi aru ei saanud. Küsisime kelneri 2 lemmiktoitu ja jäime ootusärevuses ootama mis meile tuuakse. Põnev! Ma ei oska öelda mis toidud need olid, aga igatahes olid need väga maitsvad. Tapad on siis erinevad kerged suupisted, mida hispaanlased õhtusöögiks söövad.
Kõht täis ja ring Puerto de Solile peale tehtud suundusime tagasi hotelli. Kokkuvõtvalt: Madriid on väga ilus, puhas ja ajalooline linn. Inimesed tunduvad toredad ja söök on hea.
Ootan põnevusega järgmist päeva.
Adios amigos
Heleri :)