Thursday, February 17, 2011

Valentines Day :)



Meie esimene Valentinipäev koos!

Ma olen nii õnnelik kuna see on meie esimene Valentinipäev koos. Eelmine aasta olin mina Eestis ja Kyle oli Hawaiil. Hommikul tõi mu kallis mulle ilusa lillekimbu ja õhtul pisikese roosi veel lisaks..nii armas :) Tahtsime midagi meeldejäävat sellel õhtul teha ning otsustasime minna sushi restorani. Oleme pikalt rääkinud et tahaks Madriidis head sushit süüa ja miks mitte täna. Me tellisime 4 erinevat sorti sushit ja kõik need olid väga maitsvad, võib olla isegi ühed parimad mis ma olen kunagi söönud.Magustoiduks tellisime šokolaadikoogi mis sulas suus, njämm... Saime ka tasuta proovida Jaapani alkoholi mis oli põneva maitsega. Ideaalne Valentinipäeva kohting!!! Hea toit,hea vein ja parim seltskond. Olen õnnelik et olen leidnud inimese keda südamest armastan ja kes muudab iga mu päeva päikseliseks. Ta on imeline ja suudaks ilma selle tundeta elada. Õhtu lõpetasime kodus hea veini, maasikate ja sulatatud šokolaadiga. Ma olen õnnelik...


Our first Valentines Day together!

This is our first Valentines Day together. I’m so happy! Last year I was in Estonia and Kyle was in Hawaii. He brought me beautiful flowers in the morning and another rose in the afternoon. Who doesn’t love flowers? :D I certainely do. We wanted to do something special and decided to go eat dinner in a sushi restaurant. We dressed up and headed out. We got 4 different kinds of sushi and dessert chocolate cake. Everything was delicious. Sushi was really good and the cake and the wine. We also got free Japanese shot what was interesting. This was the perfect first Valentines Day date. Not only for the restaurant and the food but because I spend the day with the one person I truly love in this world. He is the most amazing person I’ve ever met and I love him more than anything.

We ended our beautiful day with wine, strawberries and chocolate at home :) I couldn’t ask for more. He makes me happy...


Mis siis vahepeal on toimunud. Mõtlesin et kogun natukene materjali et oleks millestki kirjutada. Otsustasin ligi 2 nädalat tagasi et nüüdsest üritame igal õhtul midagi uut kokata. Oleme siiamaani valmistanud ainult toite mida me mõlemad teha oskame ja ega neid väga palju pole. Nüüd siis õpime iga päev midagi uut ja erinevad maitseelamused on ju alati tere tulnud. Oleme isegi mõne väga hea retsepti leidnud mida võib teinekordki teha. Me oleme hea meeskond köögis ja koos valmistatud toit maitseb veelgi paremini. Söögikorrad hakkavad vaikselt paika minema hispaanlaste söömisaegadega. Mina olen harjunud õhtust sööma kusagil 18:00 paiku, Kyle võib olla natukene hiljem. Hispaanlased söövad õhtust kusagil 10-12 vahel õhtul ja väga paljudel päevadel oleme ka meie 10 paiku õhtust söönud. Üldse ei taha nii hilja süüa aga kuidagi juhtub nii. Oleme mõlemad vahelduva eduga haiged olnud. Ilm siin on ka muidugi väga muutuv. Üks päev on väga soe ja järgmine väga külm. Üle eelmine laupäev oli väljas +17 kraadi sooja. See oli imeilus laupäev ja veetsime selle päeva Retiro pargis. Pühapäeva õhtul valmistas meie korterikaaslane õhtusöögiks paella mis oli väga maitsev. Üks parimaid mis ma olen Hispaanias saanud. Õhtul vaatasime kõik 4-kesi Superbowli.

Uue nädala algus oli rahulik, olime kodused. Tuba on ka varsti valmis ja täitsa kõlblik elamiseks. On vaja veel paar asja osta ja siis saan mõned pildid ka meie toast teha lõpuks ometi. Korterikaaslased on meil lahedad ja õpetavad meile hispaania keelt. Neljapäeval läksime ühte baari mille ma leidsin internetis googeldades :D Üks firma teeb üritusi igal neljapäeval erinevates kohtades ja pakub tasuta itaalia toitu. Ainuke reegel on et pead ostma kokteili ja siis saad süüa nii palju kui tahad. Süüa pole palju aga toit on väga maitsev. Sinna üritusele võib teinekordki minna.Reede õhtul läksime oma esimest flamenco showd vaatama. Päris äge oli. Pärast seda läksime väikse kambaga iiri pubisse - Dubliners ja lõpetasime oma õhtu seal. Meie uue elukoha asukoht on ikka hea- 15 minutit kesklinnast jalutada. Laupäeval käisime sünnipäevapeol ja pühapäeval olime kodus kuna ilm oli vastik ning meil oli päris sisukas nädalavahetus. Vaatasime filme ja tv-seriaale. Me mõlemad naudime seda, miks me muidu kogu aeg kinos käime. Me oleme ühed filmi friigid :D haha. Õhtul käisime ühel näitusel koos korterikaalastega. Tegemist oli siis fotonäitusega kadunud inimestest. Ma ei olnud eriti vaimustunud sellest näitusest kuna see oli pisut liiga masendav, eriti pühapäeva kohta. Veel näitasid meie korterikaaslased meile ühte vana tubaka laohoonet kus nüüd toimuvad erinevad kogunemised, peod. Seal on raamatukogu ja lastetuba, samuti erinevad firmad rendivad ruume seal. Seal toimuvad ka erinev tunnid või loengud, saab õppida erinevaid tantsustiile jne. Koht ise on lagunenud aga väga puhas. Suht hirmus nägi välja aga tundub et see on inimeste lemmik paik. Teinekord võib minna sinna küll mingile üritusele. See oligi meie teguderohke 2 nädalat. Järgmise korrani...

NB! Mõned uued pildid selle albumi lõpus


So, what has happened in last 2 weeks here in Madrid. I was waiting couple of weeks so I would have something to write about, lol.

We always cook the same things what we know how to make. Now I decided that we need to start finding new receipes and start cooking new things. So I’ve been looking up different kind of receipes and we have found some pretty good ones. We are a good team in the kitchen and why not try some new things to cook. That’s how we learn and became the best :) About eating times in Spain. Spanish people eat dinner so late, it’s unbelievable. They eat dinner between 9-12 at night. I’m used to eating around 6 o’clock and Kyle mayby little bit later, so I’m pretty much every day hungry around 6 but all the restaurants are closed. Couple of days a week I’ve noticed that we end up eating dinner at home around 9 as well, I don’t like it but it’s becoming a habbit here. I’m trying not to but sometimes it just happens. We also have been sick. Me then Kyle, then me, then Kyle etc...

The weather is also changing all the time. One day it’s really warm, then it’s chilly, then it’s cold. Last Saturday it was +17 C/62 F. We spent that pretty day in a Retiro Park. There were so many people. We were throwing football what I got for Kyle and just laying on the grass and enyoing the warm sun in February :D On Sunday our roommate made us paella for dinner. It was one of the best paellas I’ve had in Spain. Sunday was also Superbowl. For us it started 1 o’clock at night but we still stayed up and watched it.

In the beginning of new week during the week days we stayed at home. Our room is almost ready, we need a couple of things more and then it’s pretty good for the next 4 months we have left here in Madrid. Then I’m taking some pictures and showing you guys too. Our roommates are cool and they are teaching us some spanish too. It’s not that easy, it doesn’t want to stick with me. I’m trying but still don’t know how to speak it. I know some things, but not enough. On Thursday we went to a bar where they served free Italian food. You had to buy drinks and then the food was free. I found that company who does that from the internet. They are doing the event I think every Thursday in different places. The food was really good. I think I would go back there. On Friday we went to see our first Flamenco show. It was awesome. We both really liked it. It was entertaining. We didn’t understand the story because it was in spanish but everything else was cool :D We ended our night in a irish bar with a group of people. It was a fun Friday. On Saturday we went to a birthday party and on Sunday we stayed at home.We had a pretty busy and fun weekend so now we felt like watching movies and tv-shows. In the evening before dinner we went to see a exhibition with our roommates. Photos about missing people. I didn’t enjoy it because it was too depressing for me, especially on Sunday. After the exhibition our roommates showd us a warehouse what used to be a tobaco factory. Now it’s like community house. People go there to party, to the library, to study- there are different kind of classes. It was a little bit scary place but looked like a lot of people hung out there. It might be a cool place.

So that has been our last two weeks... Until next time....

P.S. Some new pictures in the end of this album

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Kyle’s 24 birthday :)



Tahtsin et Kyle 24 sünnipäev oleks meeldejääv sellepärast läksime õhtust sööma maailma vanimasse restorani - BOTIN. (See on kirjas Guinnessi rekordite raamatus).Helistasin eelmine päev ja reserveerisin laua 2-le. Palusin ka küünlad laua peale panna aga see polnud kahjuks võimalik. Nad pakkusid välja et toovad koogitüki koos küünaldega ja mulle see idee meeldis. Pearoaks tellisime mõlemad 2 restorani parimat rooga- sea- ning lambapraad. Mõlemad olid väga maitsvad. Pearoog söödud toodi meile magustoidu menüüd ja mis juhtus.... Nad unustasid mu koogi. Pidin neile Kyle juures olekul meelde tuletama et ma palusin koogi küünaldega kuna mu kaaslasel on sünnipäev. Nii palju siis üllatusest. Kyle ainult naeris ja ütles et mõte loeb ei ole hullu. Niisiis mõni minut hiljem saabus koogitükk koos 3 küünlaga.Kõrval lauas mõned inimesed laulsid sünnipäeva laulu :D Minult paluti vabandust et koogi ära unustasid ja sellepärast saime koogitüki ja 4 hispaania shotti maja kulul. Super! Kook oli võrratult maitsev. Shottid olid väga kanged. Kokkuvõtvalt oli meil väga tore õhtu ja loodan et Kyle jäi oma sünnipäevaga rahule. Nüüd saame öelda et oleme söönud maailma vanimas restoranis, päris äge :D


I wanted Kyle to remember his 24th birthday here in Spain so we decided to go out and eat dinner in the oldest restaurant in the world- BOTIN (it’s written in the Guinness World Records book). I called day before and reserved a table for two. I also asked to put candles on the table but they said it’s not possible. They said that they could put candles in a piece of cake. I liked that idea. Reservation for 8 o’clock and piece of cake with candles for the birthday boy :)Restaurant was really nice. We ordered 2 of their specialities for main course-suckling pig and roasted baby lamb. Both were really good. After that they brought a dessert menu to us. After waiting a couple of minutes I figure it out that they forgot about my cake. I had to tell them in front of Kyle that I ordered a birthday cake with candles on it. That was my surprise but not anymore. I wanted to see Kyle’s surprise face when he saw the cake. Kyle was only smiling and said that it’s the thought that counts and he was still happy that I got the cake for him. A few minutes later small piece of cake with 3 candles on it was brought to us. Make a wish and blow the candles ;) Couple of people next to our table started to sing a birthday song, lol. Cake was really good. The waiters appologized about forgetting the cake and because of that we got the cake for free and 4 spanish shots on the house too :D The shots were really strong. The first we got the waiter told us to take it with one time but when the other waiter came back and filled our shot glasses he told us to drink it slow, lol :D We had a great night and I hope Kyle was happy with his birthday dinner. Now we can say that we have eaten in the olders restaurant in the world, pretty cool :D

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Lõpuks ometi on meil oma tuba/Our own room finally, yay :)



Ma pole alates jaanuari algusest kui me tagasi Madriidi lendasime blogi kirjutanud. Põhjuseks tooksin siis selle, et siin pole midagi huvitavat vahepeal toimunud. Kyle käib usinasti tööl ja mina otsin ikka veel uut tööd kuna perekond kelle juures töötasin kolis linnast eemale. Hetkel elame veel endiselt oma sõprade korteris sest pole uut elukohta leidnud. Pole kerge paaril endale elamist leida. Oleme Madriidis veel ainult 5 kuud ja korterit ainult meile on raske saada kuna enamus omanikke tahab aastast lepingut ja mitme kuu deposiiti mis on minu arust rumalus. Ütleme näiteks et kui korteri üür on 600 eurot ja omanik tahab 4 kuu üüri deposiidiks siis kuidas on see võimalik et noortel on selline suur summa taskust võtta. Tuba üürides on aga see probleemiks et ei taheta kahte inimest veel vähem paari ühte tuppa. Me oleme vähemalt 100 e-maili saatnud ja enamus vastavad ei või ei saada midagi tagasi. 2 nädalat tagasi käisime siis ühte tuba vaatamas. 3 toaline korter kus elab üks hispaania tüdruk ning kes rendib teist magamistuba välja. Lõpuks ometi leidsime korteri. Sellel tüdrukul polnud midagi selle vastu et me kahekesi seal elame. Täna siis kolisime lõpuks ometi sisse. Oleme mõlemad väga õnnelikud sest kaua sa ikka sõprade diivanil magad ja me oleme oma kohvrites elanud alates detsembrikuu algusest. Lõpuks ometi saame kohvrid lahti pakkida, ma ei teagi enam mis mul seal sees on. Nii mõnus tunne on sest meil on oma tuba ja oma voodi jälle :)

Mis me siis põnevat oleme teinud. Oleme kinos käinud, erinevates restoranides- Itaalia, Tai, Jaapani, India- kõik on väga head olnud. Oleme nii öelda „kodus“ süüa valmistanud ja filmi õhtuid teinud. Ühe meie sõbra juures toimus sushi õhtu ning ühel pühapäeval käisime bowlingut mängimas väikse seltskonnaga. Hetkel oleme mõlemad natukene tõbised aga võitleme visalt ja küll varsti terveks saame. Mina lõin nädal tagasi oma varba vastu laua jalga ära. Varvas on ikka paistes ja lonkan ka veel. Ma olen mitmeid kordi oma varbaid igale poole ära löönud aga mitte kunagi nii hullusti. Arvan et luu katki pole aga mõra on kindlasti. Eks ma siis lonkan ja ootan millal see korda saab sest ega varvast kipsi ju ei panda. Nüüd tuleb siis asjad lahti pakkida ja lõõgastuda. Kui oleme ennast sisse seadnud tuleb hakata viimaseid reisiplaane paika panema. Meil on ainult 5 kuud Madriidis veel jäänud ja nimekiri on pikk kuhu veel reisida tahame. Tuleb veel paar kuud töö rabada ning reisiperiood võibki alata.

Kohtumiseni varsti uute ja põnevate lugudega.



I haven’t wrote my blog after we came back to Madrid from Estonia. I’m being honest there hasn’t happened any exciting things in January. Kyle has been working and I’m still looking for a new job. We are still living in our friends apartment because finding a place for us has been difficult. Getting our own apartment is hard because owners wants a year lease but we will be here only 5 more months and they also want 3-4 months deposit what is crazy. Renting a room is not that easy too because a lot of people doesn’t want two people and especially couple in one room. I don’t understant. We have sent at least 100 e-mails mayby even more and most of them say no.One thing more. We are writing to people like this: me and my girlfriend are looking for a place to live.... They wrote back that the room is only for a girl. When your girlfriend can come and see it? Spanish people have difficulties to understand that we are living together and we are looking for a place for both of us, lol. I wish this could be easier for us. So, what have we been doing?!- We’ve been going to the movies and different kind of restaurants- Thai, India, Japanese, Italian- all of those has been really good. We have been cooking at home and having movie nights. We also had a sushi night at our friends apartment and also a bowling night. That’s about it.

We both are a little bit sick but getting better already. I hit my toe against the table about a week ago and it’s still swollen and I’m limping. I think that nothing is broken but it can be a crack. I always hit my toes but never happened anything like that.

And.... Now some good news. 2 weeks ago we went to see a room for rent and finally find a place to live. It’s a 2 bedroom apartment 15 minutes walking from the center. We will be living with 1 spanish girl and her boyfriend is staying there too most of the times. We have a pretty good size room with big bed and big window so the room has a lot of light. That’s all we need for the next 5 months. We moved in today. We are so happy because we have been living in our suitcases since in the beginning of december. We can finally unpack our things and have our own bed and our own room, YAY :D We are thankful to our friends for letting us stay with them so long but sleeping on a coach is not that exciting :) At least now we can relax and start thinking about other things than finding a place to live. I also got a job. It’s only twice a week and I’m not earning a lot but at least something even if it’s only a week food money. Everything helps right now. Now we can start working until April and then do some travelling. We have still a long list of the places we want to go before we leave.

See you soon with a little bit interesting stories, lol :D
