Teisipäeval oli minu esimene tööpäev 30 3 aastase hispaania lapsega. Tunnike möödus kiirelt videoklippe vaadates, laule lauldes ning loomulikult lapsi korrale kutsudes. Lapsi on seal igasuguseid- nii häid kui halbu, aga üldkokkuvõttes mulle meeldib. Neljapäeval tähistasime St.Patricku päeva iiri pubis. Laupäeval käisime india toitu söömas ja kinos. Meie korteri läheduses on nii palju india restorane ja mõnikord sa lihtsalt ei suuda sellele toidule ei öelda. Pühapäeval käisime ühes väikeses hispaania linnakeses- Segovias.
Rohkem pilte Segoviast https://picasaweb.google.com/HeleriR/Segovia#
On Tuesday I had my first day at work with 30 3 year old spanish kids. An hour went by quickly while watching cartoons, singing songs and of course trying to calm down the kids because they are running around all the time. There are good and also very bad kids in the class but overall I like it, they all are cute. On Thursday we were celebrating St.Patricks day in a irish bar. I’ve never celebrated it before. On Saturday we had a movie day and also decided to eat some indian food. There are so many indian resturants near our apartment sometimes you just can’t resist. On Sunday we went on a day trip to Segovia. It’s a small city near Madrid, about 2 hours train ride. It was beautiful and it was also good to get out from the city, even only for a day.
More pictures of Segovia https://picasaweb.google.com/HeleriR/Segovia#
Sellel nädalal ei kuulanud 3 aastased kohe üldse sõna, jooksid ainult ringi ja kisasid. Reedel käisin tööintervjuul-eratund 3 ja 6 aastase poisiga. Sain selle töö. Alustan järgmine nädal. Nädalalõpul olime mõlemad natuke tõbised, seega olime kodused, ravime ning lõbustasime ennast filmide vaatamisega.
This week the 3 year old kids didn’t listen at all. They were running around all the time and screaming like crazy :) I don’t mind it because that is their job right now-play, lol :D On Friday I went to a job interview.Private class with 3 and 6 year old boy (they are brothers). I got the job and I start next week, yay. On the weekend we both were a little bit sick so we didn’t go anywhere.
Kuna olin haige kaotasin oma hääle ja teisipäevases tunnis ei saanud üldse rääkida aga see on päris raske kui pead 3 aastaseid korrale kutsuma ja häält pole. Reedel käisime kinos, aga peale meie filmi hiilisime veel teist filmi vaatama - tasuta :D Laupäeval käisime ja proovisime ära Madriidi Hard Rock Cafe toidu. Päris maitsev oli! Järgmisel laupäeval läksime sõprade Retiro parki ja pidasime piknikku. Ilm oli lihtsalt imeilus. Järgmisel päeval käisime linnast väljas asuvas kaubanduskeskuses. Vahel on lihtsalt hea korraks linnast välja saada. Uue nädala kolmapäeval asendasin ma ühte õpetajat koolis- 6 7 aastast õpilast. Tund möödus hästi ja nad kuulasid mu sõna. Õhtul oli mu eratund 2 vennaga, nemad aga ei kuulanud sõna üldse. Alates uuest nädalast vanemad üritavad samal ajal kodus olla, et poisid sõna kuulaksid. Ka sellel perekonnal on koristaja ja lapsehoidja kodus. Vahel ma ikka imestan kas hispaanlased ise üldse midagi teevad- ma mõtlen just koristamist ja laste kasvatamist. Neljapäev oli viimane tööpäev sest alates esmaspäevast algab hispaanias puhkus-9 puhkepäeva :D Õhtul pakkisime oma kohvrid sest reedel sõitsime oma 9 päevasele puhkusereisile, haha :D
When being sick I lost my voice and working on Tuesday at school was so hard because if you don’t have your voice you really can’t do anything with 3 year olds. Friday was a movie night again and we also sneaked in to another movie after the first one. 2 for 1 :D Next day we went and ate lunch at Hard Rock Cafe in Madrid. It was good, but I don’t know if US has better food than Madrid Hard Rock Cafe, because I’ve never been there before. On Saturday we had a picnic in Retiro Park with friends. It was a perfect weather for a picnic. Last day of the week we went to a mall outside the city. We had to buy some things but sometimes is just good to go out from the city. Next week Wednesday I was substitute teacher for 6 7 year olds kids at the school. It was a good class. At the evening I had a private class with the brothers. They didn’t listen at all. Starting from next week the parents are going to be at home the same time so the boys will behave. Like my last family this one has also babysitter and a cleaner at home. Sometimes I’m thinking that do the spanish people ever do some things their own. I mean cleaning and raising kids. I just don’t get it. Thursday was the last day at work and on Friday 10 day holiday began.