Peale maitsvat hommikusööki Notre Dami kõrval asuvas kohvikus läksime tasuta jalutus ekskursioonile mööda Pariisi. Giid oli lõbus noormees kes muutis selle ekskursiooni väga põnevaks. Ekskursioon kestis 2 ja pool tundi ning selle aja jooksul saime nii mõndagi teada Pariisi kohta. Õhtul läksime kõik 5-kesi restorani sööma. Eelroaks valisid kõik teod mis olid päris maitsvad. Prantsusmaale tulles peab ju ikka teod ära proovima, see on delikatess siin ju. Peale õhtusööki läksime meie kahekesi Eiffeli torni tippu. Mina jõudsin ainult teisele korrusele ja isegi seal ei läinud ma serva lähedale vaid seisin lifti kõrval :D Kyle käis ikka tipus ära. Tubli! Minu jaoks oli see liiga kõrge, aga vaate nägin ära küll. Tegime mõned ilusad pildid ning õhtu tipphetkeks oli külastus erootika muuseumisse mis oli kokkuvõttes päris naljakas. Võin soojalt soovitada!
Today we did a free walking tour all around Paris. Before doing that we ate breakfast next to the Notre Dam in a outside cafe. The tour was 3,5 hours long. Tour guide was a young man and the tour was fun and interesting. We found out a lot of interesting facts about Paris. I would definately recommend this company to everybody who is going to Paris. They even have tours in other cities all around Europe. In the evening we all went to eat out in a restaurant. Appetiser was suprisingly good what everybody ordered- snails :D I wasn’t so excited about eating those, but I tried and it wasn’t that bad, lol. You should eat snails if you come to Paris, so I did. After dinner me and Kyle went to the Eiffel tower, because we wanted to go in the evening and we were leaving tomorrow so it was our last night to go there. I went only to a second floor and didn’t even want to go near the edge. I stayed next to the elevator, because I’m afraid of heights. Kyle went to the top but he said that the view was better from th second floor. We took some good pictures and took the metro to Moulin Rouge area and finished our night in a erotic museum. It was funny. You should definately go there if you go to Paris.
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