Wednesday, December 15, 2010




Ärkasime vara kuna pidime olema lennujaamas kusagil 5 paiku hommikul. Võtsime 4-kesi takso ja meie reis võiski alata. Lennujaamas pidid Kyle, Mary ja Julie läbima passi/viisa kontrolli, mina seda tegema ei pidanud kuna elan Euroopas :D Õnneks läks kõik hästi ja nad said templi pileti peale. Turvakontrolli järjekord oli pikk aga õnneks läks see kiiresti. Mõtlesime juba vahepeal et jääme lennukist maha aga värava juurde jõudes nägime et Ryanair polnud isegi alustanud inimeste peale laskmisega. Kui lõpuks lennukisse saime siis kapten teatas et kuna lennuk ei väljunud õigel ajal peavad nad väljumisaega edasi lükkama pool tundi. Ega meil muud ei jäänud üle kui oodata. Lend Pariisi kestis 2 tundi. Õnneks magasin enamuse aja nii et reis möödus kiiresti. Pariisi jõudes teatas Ryanair et nad peatusid vale värava juures ehk siis täpsemalt väljaspool Euroopa Liidu piiri. Meeskond teatas et nad püüavad teha kõik et inimesed ei peaks läbima passikontrolli. Kyle ja tüdrukutel jättis süda paar lööki vahele kuna nende 90 päeva on aegunud ja keegi ei tahtnud et neid koju saadetakse. Õnneks ei pidanud keegi passikontrolli läbima. Mary ja Julie otsustasid sõita taksoga oma hostelisse aga meie nii palju raha raisata ei tahtnud. Läksime metrooga ja see oli sama lihtne kui Madriidis. Maksime mõlemad kokku ainult 3.70 eurot kindlasti vähem kui taksoga. Leidsime oma hosteli päris kiiresti ülesse. Hostel ise oli noortepärane ja hind polnud ka kallis. Broneerisime toa 6s toas aga kohapeal pakuti meile 2 voodiga tuba. Super! Tuppa sisse minnes nägime narivoodit. Tuba ise oli suur, sinna mahuks vähemalt 3 sama suurt voodit ja selle asemel oleks nad võinud anda meile tavalise voodiga toa. Kraanikauss oli toas aga vannituba pidime teiste inimestega jagama. Eks me siis mahutasime ennast alumisse voodisse kuna mina üleval magada ei julge, kukun veel keerates ja pöörates sealt maha. Kotid hostelisse viidud sõitsime metrooga Notre Dami juurde sest pidime seal Mary ja Julie’ga kokku saama. Enne kohtumist söime väikese võileiva sest ega siis Pariisi tühja kõhuga nautima minna ei saa. Tegime mõned pildid Notre Damist seejärel läksime kirikusse sisse. Kirik oli võimas ja väga ilus. Jalutasime ringi ja mõne aja pärast algas missa. Vaatasime seda natukene ning edasi võtsime suunaks Arc de Triomphe. Metroos pileteid ostes kaotasime Mary ja Julie aga ega see meid ei takistanud. Sõitsime metrooga Triumphi juurde tegime mõned pildid ja seejärel jalutasime mööda Champs Elysees peatänavat. Igal pool olid jõulukaunistused. Sellel tänaval olid ainult hirm kallid poed aga eks me piilusime mõnesse ikka sisse ka. Poole tänava pealt algas jõuluturg. Mõlemal pool teed olid pisikesed majakesed kust sai süüa ja juua osta, riideid, kingitusi. Seal oli asju seinast seina. Ilm oli väga külm ja et vähekenegi sooja saada ostsime kuuma siidrit ja hõõgveini. Kyle proovis esimest kords hõõgveini, ütles et Ameerikas seda pole. Loomulikult proovisime ära ka nutella ja banaani pannkoogid...mmmm...niii hea. Peatänava lõpus oli vaateratas mis pannakse ülesse ainult jõuluajal. Minu arust on need nii hirmuäratavad seega sõitma me sellega ei läinud. Olime küll näksinud igast häid asju aga otsisime ikkagi restorani kus õhtust süüa. Leidsime pannkoogi restorani ja proovisime kartuli ja singi pannkooke. Väga maitsev oli. Kaua me enam ei suutnud väljas olla sest meil mõlemal hakkas nii külm. Võtsime suuna Eiffeli torni poole. Tahtsime enne hostelisse minekut näha Eiffelit ja teha mõned ilusad pildid. Esimene päev Pariisis oli edukas ja väsitav sest olime hommikust saadik ringi jalutanud . Läksime ruttu hostelisse sooja et järgmiseks päevaks ennast välja puhata.

Kõik reisi pildid:


We woke up early because we had to be in the airport around 5 in the morning. Me, Kyle, Mary and Julie took a cab and our trip to Paris could start. In the airport everybody besides me (because I’m EU) had to go to passport/visa check but they got the stamps on their tickets easily. The line through the security was long but it went fast. I was worried that we are going to miss the plane but when we got to the gate it wasn’t even open, there was a long line. When we finally got to the plane the captain announced that because they didn’t departure at the right time we had to wait another half an hour. Flight to Paris was 2 hours. I slept almost entire time so the time went by fast. When getting to Paris we were announced that they went to a wrong gate what was in non schengen zone so that they are trying do to everything so people could avoid passport checking. I was ok, but everybody freaked out. Nobody didn’t want to get deported, lol but I guess we were lucky- no passport checking. Kyle, Mary and Julie have been in Europe more than 90 days so that’s why they were worried. Mary and Julie decided to go to their hostel with a taxi. We didn’t want to spend that much money and took a metro. It was easy and it cost us only 3.70 euros. We found our hostel fast. Hostel was perfect for young people and it wasn’t expensive at all. We booked the room online – sharing with 6 other people. When we got to the hostel they offered us a double bedroom, yay. When we saw the room it had one bunk bed We come to romantic Paris and what do we get- bunk bed, LOL. The room was big, it could easily fit 3 more bunkbeds. We had a sink in our room but we had to share the bathroom with other people. We decided to sleep on the lower bed together. It was small and most of the times half of my body was off the bed, lol, because I guess Kyle needed more space than me :D I didn’t want to sleep on the top bed because I’m afraid to fall off when I turn , haha :) After taking our bags to the hostel we went near the Notre Dam and ate lunch before we met Mary and Julie. Can’t enjoy Paris with a empty stomack. There wasn’t any sign from Mary and Julie. We went and took some pictures of the Notre Dam and also walked around inside the church. The church is huge, well kept and beautiful. After walking around for a while we stayed to see the Friday Mass. Our next stop was Arc de Triomph. We we’re all supposed to go there together but we lost Mary and Julie in the metro so we went just two of us. We drove to the Triumps with a metro, took some pictures and then started to walk along the main street- Champ Elysees. The street was decorated with christmas lights, it was so pretty. This street has really expensive stores but we still looked indside some of the stores. Starting from half of the street until the end there was a christmas market. Little houses both sides of the main road offered food and drinks, clothes and christmas presents and many other things. The weather was cold so be decided to warm us up with a hot cider and hot wine. Both were really good. We have hot wine in Estonia every christmas time. Kyle tried it first time and he liked it. He haven’t heard about it before. We also tried creps with nutella and banana- it was delicious. In the end of the main street there was a ferrys wheel. It’s only there on christmas time. I think those are so scary. We ate some small thing in the christmas market but we were still hungry. We found a restaurant what had only creps so we tried crep with potatoes and ham. It was good. We didn’t want to walk longer outside because we were both cold. Last thing that evening what we wanted to see was the Eiffel tower. We took some nice pictures and then walked back to the warm hostel. Fisrt day in Paris was successful, can’t wait the next day.

P.S. When we asked people to take pictures of us with the Eiffel tower all the people cut half of the tower off. Why would you do that? :D

All the pictures of the trip are here:

Heleri :)

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