Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Kuressaare & Grand Rose SPA & New Years Eve


Pühapäeva hommikul sõitsime hommikuse bussiga Kuressaarde kuna mu sõbrannal oli soolaleivapidu. Istusime seal paar tundi ning siis läksime hotelli. Õhtul läksime välja sööma ning veetsime tunnikese hotelli basseinis ja saunas. Pole nii ammu saunas käinud, päris mõnus oli. Esmaspäeva hommikul söime buffee hommikusööki hotellis ning lõuna paiku viisime oma kotid Grand Rose SPAsse kus meid ootas 3 päevane SPA pakett. (See oli meie jõulukingitus üksteisele ning Kyle pole kunagi SPAs käinud seega põhjusi oli küllaga ja me olime just õiges kohas ka – Saaremaal:D) Me saime sisse registreerida alles kella 4 paiku seniks läksime jalutasime linna peal ringi. Tutvustasin Kyle’ile Kuressaaret. Õhtust läksime sööma Mönusasse Villemisse. Õhtu veetsime SPAs basseinis ja saunades. On ikka mõnus päev läbi hotellis hommikumantlis ringi tatsata:D Teisipäeva hommikul toodi hommikusöök tuppa kell 9. Saime ise valida mida me tahame. Ütleme nii et lootsin natukene paremat hommikusööki aga polnud kõige hullem ka, haha. Seejärel vaatasime filme toas ning kell 14:30 oli meil duaalmassaaž ning peale seda oli mõlematel värskendav jalgadehoolitsus. Massaaž kestis 60 minutit ja see oli kogu kehale. Lihtsalt võrratult hea. Sellist kogu keha massaaži võiks iga nädal korra saada. Õhtul käis Kyle veel korra basseinis ujumas ja saunas ning mina käisin ostsin meile väljast pizza ning veetsime hubase õhtu oma hotellitoas. Kolmapäeva hommikul toodi hommikusöök tuppa jälle. Ega seal midagi erilist ei pakutud. Kohvi ja tee olid külmad ja muu valik oli ka nigel. Pärast seda lebotasime niisama toas kuniks pidime välja registreerima ning siis sõitsime bussiga koju. AASTAVAHETUSE veetsime seekord kodus koos minu vanematega ja ongi käes aasta 2011 :D Head uut aastat!!! Esmaspäeval, 3-ndal jaanuaril sõitsime Tallinasse et seal veel paar päeva veeta ning kolmapäeval lendasime tagasi Madriidi.

Ma olen õnnelik et sain Kyle Eestisse tuua ja oma perekonnale ning sõpradele tutvustada. ;)


NB! Rohkem pilte:


On Sunday morning we took a bus to the town Kuressaare. My friend from high school had a housewarming party and Kyle could meet my friends from high school. We were there couple of hours and then went back to our hotel. I had my apartment in that town but I sold it so it was really weird to stay in a hotel over there. We ate dinner out and then spend couple of hours in the pool and sauna in the hotel, it was included in the hotel room price. On Monday we had a buffee breakfast in the hotel and in the afernoon we took our bags to the Grand Rose SPA where we had 3 days package. It was a christmas present to each other. Kyle has never been to a spa so it was a good reason to go. Also the island is famous for its spas. People from other countries come here, especially from Finland. We got to check in at 4 in the afternoon so until then we went for a walk in the town. I showed some cool places. This is the town where I went to high school. Lived there 4 years. Alone in my own apartment. I showed the town and a castle and so on. We ate dinner one of my favorite places on the island. After dinner we spend our evening in a SPA- pools, hottub and saunas. It was good to walk around with bathrobe all day. On Tuesday morning we had a breakfast in bed. We could choose everything we want for breakast so the easiest way was to choose everything from the list even if I’m not eating all of it :D Until 1 o’clock we just watched movies in the room and then went to eat lunch. At 2 we had dualmassage-60 minutes all body. It was amazing. Kyle had to wear thongs, haha :D I wish I could get that kind of massage every week once. After that we both had relaxing footcare. I was expecting more but it was still good. Our last evening we spent in the SPA again. On Wednesday morning we had breakfast in bed again and until midday when we had to check out we just hanged out in our room. It was a good 3 days. Merry Christmas to us ;) We took a bus to my home. New Years Eve we decided to spend with my parents. I don’t know where I’m going to be next year so they were happy that I stayed. Happy New Year. It’s 2011. January 3rd, 2011 we went to the capital for 2 days, stayed with my friends and on the 5th we flyed back to Madrid.

I’m really happy that Kyle came to Estonia with me and met my family and friends. Everybody liked him a lot and can’t wait to see him again. We had a great time!


P.S.More pictures

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