Wednesday, January 12, 2011

My home island Saaremaa


Esmaspäeval sõitsime Saaremaale – minu koju. Bussisõit möödus kiiresti. Praami peal sõime seljankat mis Kyle’ile väga maitses. Koju jõudes ütlesid vanemad et Kyle on väga ilus poiss :D hehee. Suhtlemisega polnud meil mingit probleemi. Ema mul rääkis inglise keelt, see oli üllatus isegi minule. Isegi isa sai mõne inglise keelse sõna öeldud. Mina olin siis tõlk nende vahel ja see läks libedamalt kui arvasin. Kõik jutud said räägitud ;) Esimene õhtu kodus mööduski juttu rääkides ja minu kodu tutvustades ning ega ka kohustuslikud fotod albumitest näitamata ei jäänud. Nii hea on jälle kodus olla!!! Teisipäeval läksime minu vanematega Kuressaarde. Meil mõlemal oli hambaarsti aeg ja pidime viimased jõuluostud ära tegema, eriti tähtis oli söök. Kolmapäeval sõitsime autoga Orissaarde. Jalutasime seal ringi. Seejärel suundusime Muhu saarele et osta Kyle’ile lambavillast toasussid. Hommikul käisime ostsime kadakast kööginõusid, et ta saaks need koju vanematele saata. Enne koju minekut sõitsime läbi Tornimäelt, näitasin kus me elasime enne kui oma majja kolisime. Õhtul valmistasime järjekordse maitsva õhtusöögi. Kyle proovis mulgiputru, ühepajatoitu, kõrvitsasalatit ning palju muud. Talle on siiamaani kõik maitsenud välja arvatud keefir. Neljapäeval magasime suht kaua. Ema jõudis koju 2 ajal sest tal oli lühendatud tööpäev. Vaatasime telekat ja lebotasime niisama. Peale õhtusööki valmistasime piparkooke :) Piparkoogid olid niiiiiiii maitsvad. Pean ikka ühe korra veel piparkooke tegema, isu pole veel täis saanud. Ärkasime vara reedel. Tegime ettevalmistusi õhtuks.Lõuna paiku jõudsid Milja ja Vilve perega. Süüa oli palju ning söömaaeg kestis ikka ligi 6 tundi vahelduva eduga. Kõik oli nii maitsev ning ega ka Kyle kurtnud. Verivorst meeldis talle kõige rohkem mida ta kogu aeg juurde küsis. Viina võttis ka võidu mu isa ja onuga :D Õhtu oli meeldiv koos kallite inimestega. Laupäeva hommikul valmistasin Kyle’ile soojasid kohupiimasaiasid ahjus. Alati kui Eestisse tulen valmistan neid, njämm. Kyle käis mul isal abis lund lükkamas ning õhtu veetsime kodus. Mõtlesime vahepeal et lähme Kuressaarde peole aga lõpp kokkuvõttes ei viitsinud kumbki minna.


NB!Rohkem pilte:


We had a great time in the capital and now it’s time to go to my home island Saaremaa. On Monday we took a bus to the island. It takes about 3 hours to get to my home from Tallinn and half an hour we also have to ride with a ferry to get to the island. On the ferry Kyle tried Russian soup- seljanka. That was on my list too, haha :D He liked it. First we went to the small town where my mom works. She just finished her work day and we went home all together. It’s 10 minutes to my home from there. When we got to my house my mom said to my dad: Isn’t he handsome and my dad said: Yes he is :D There was no problem with communicating because suprisingly my mom spoke some english, my dad could say some simple words and I was the translator. I translated pretty much everything- what Kyle said, what my parents said etc. All the stories were told. First night we just hang out with my parents and talked. I showed the house and some of my photo albums, just so Kyle could see where I’m from.It’s good to be home and I’m happy that I could bring Kyle here. My parents were so happy to meet him. On Tuesday we went to the town on the island called Kuressaare. I went to high school there. We had a dentist appointment and we also had to buy groceries for Christmas dinner. On Wednesday morning we went and bought Kyle some kitchen cookware made of juniper. Juniper gives a really good scent what doesn’t go away. The island is famous for those things. Everything is handmade. My dad knows the people who work there and Kyle got to see how everything is made too. After that we drove to Orissaare and walked around there a little bit.My mom is working there and I went to school there until 8th grade. The town is 10 minutes driving away from our house. After 15 minutes walk- the town is small, lol we drove to the island Muhu. There is a bridge connecting those 2 islands and from Muhu island goes the ferry to the mainland. Anyway from that island we bought Kyle house slippers made of real sheep wool.Those two islands are famous for making real sheep wool shoes and also clothes. Before going home be drove through another small town. I showed Kyle where we lived before we moved to the house. Around 6 when my mom came home we ate dinner. We always eat dinner at that time and together. Kyle tried two of my favorite meals what my parents made. It’s really hard to explain what they exactly are because I didn’t find english names for those. Anyway he liked all of it. On Thursday we decided to sleep longer than we have all the other days. My mom came home around 2 because she had a shorter work day because of Christmas. We watched tv and just hanged out. We have most of the shows and movies in english on tv so it’s good for Kyle, he can watch tv in Estonia. In Spain everything is dubbed but in Estonia we have subtitles. After dinner we made gingerbread. Soooooo good :D. I definately have to make gingerbread one more time before I leave because I didn’t get enough. On Friday we woke up early because we had to make some preparations for Christmas dinner. My two aunts and uncles with their family and grandmother arrived early in the afternoon, around 2. Every year we all decide who is bringing what food so everybody can make something. There was so much food. I think we ate like 6 hours, not all the time but still. Everything was so delicious. Our christmas dinner: boiled potatoes, sauerkraut, deer stew, herring salad, wild mushrooms, garlic beets, pumpkin salad, black bread, blood sausage,cakes etc and also vodka wasn’t missing from the table. Kyle counted how many shots he took with my dad and uncle- it was around 12, lol. All the men were drunk. Now I know that Kyle is a vampire because he was eating so much blood sausage and asking more all the time. We give presents after the christmas dinner the same day. The night was fun. Everybody were so happy to meet Kyle and hoping to see him again in summertime. On Saturday morning I made Kyle delicious breakfast. Kyle went to help my dad shoveling the snow and the evening we spent at home. We thought about going to the town to a nightclub but decided to stay home just didn’t feel like going anywhere.


P.S.More pictures:

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