Meie lennuk Tallinnasse väljus reede hommikul kell 10. Vahepeatus oli meil Helsingis ning kell 17:30 jõudsime Eestisse. Õnneks Kyle teel Eestisse koju ei saadetud, ihii :D Lennujaama tulid meile vastu Kristiina ja Ulrika. Sõitsime siis Kristiina juurde kelle juures me öömaja saime. Enne välja minekut, oli ju ikkagi reede, söime nende korteris õhtust- verivorst, hapukapsas ja keedukartul. No mida veel tahta koju tulles. Kyle proovis ka ära esimese pitsi Eesti viina ning klaasi hõõgveini. Pärast maitsvat õhtusööki suundusime Kristiina sõprade korterisse kus toimus väike istumine enne klubisse minekut ja ega kaua ei läinudki kui läksime klubisse Hollywood. Tahtsime ju Kyle’ile Tallinna ööelu näidata. Meie pidu lõppes kusagil 2 ajal sest olime natukene lendamisest ka väsinud. Laupäeva hommikul söime musta leiba pasteediga ning Eestimaist juustu ja sinki. Mul ju terve pikk nimekiri toitudest mis Kyle peab ära proovima. Panime soojalt riidesse kuna väljas oli ikka külm võrreldes Madriidiga kus on ikka veel pluss kraadid. Kõigepealt oli meie missioon leida Kyle’ile soojad suusapüksid, saapad ja kindad. Õnneks leidsime kõik vajaliku Kristiine kaubanduskeskusest. Nüüd kui mõlematel olid soojad riided seljas (mina tõin täditütre käest sooja jope ära mis mu ema Saaremaalt oli saatnud mulle) läksime vanalinna jalutama. Väljas oli ikka hirmus külm. Maitsesime maitsvaid mandleid vanalinna tänavatel ning shoppasime jõuluturul (NB! Ega me tegelikult midagi ei ostnud sealt). Ma olen alati jõulude ajal Saaremaal olnud ja isegi mina polnud kunagi jõuluturule jõudnud. See oli nagu postkaart. Kella 5st oli mul juuksur ja pärast seda läksime ühte minu lemmik restorani sööma (Karja Kelder vanalinnas) koos mu täditütrega. Kyle proovis esimest korda Eesti õlut ning keefiri. Keefir talle ei meeldinud kuna ütles et see maitseb nagu hapukoor, haha :D Söögi poole pealt proovis ta Noore Villemi šnitslit, juustu kreveti suppi ning samuti juustušnitslit. Kõik maitses talle väga, välja arvata keefir. Õhtul läksime kinno. Pühapäeval sõitsime natukene autoga linna peal ringi, et Kyle näeks natukene Tallinnat ja selle ümbruskonda. Õhtul oli väike istumine minu sõprade Silvia ja Rometi juures. Õhtu kujunes väga lõbusaks ja Kyle sai tuttavaks minu heade sõpradega.
NB!Rohkem pilte: http://picasaweb.google.com/HeleriR/TallinnEstonia#
Our plane to Estonia to Tallinn departured on Friday morning 10 AM. We had a layover in Helsinki and 5:30 PM we were in Tallinn (It’s the capital of Estonia). We didn’t have any problems in the airports and Kyle didn’t get deported. Welcome to Estonia Kyle ;) It was so cold in Estonia. I bet when going back to Madrid the weather over there feels really warm. My friends Ulrika and Kristiina were in the airport waiting for us. We were staying with Kristiina couple of nights so after all the hugging we went to her place to eat some Estonian dinner (blood sausage, sauerkraut, boiled potatoes, black bread and a glass delicious hot wine) and then went out because it was Friday :D After eating delicious dinner we went to my friends friend apartment and stayed there until midnight when we went to the famous nightclub in Tallinn club Hollywood. I just wanted to show you the nighlife in Tallinn. We left from the nightclub around 2 o’clock I guess we were tired from flying. Saturday morning for breakfast we ate black bread with Estonian pate and also different kinds of ham and cheese. It’s good to be home. I’m so excited to eat Estonian food for three weeks. I have a long list of foods what Kyle have to definately try in Estonia. Our first mission was to find warm clothes for Kyle-boots, ski pants and gloves. Luckily we found almost everything in one mall. My cousin brought my warm winter coat from my home to the capital. We thought that we were dressed warm enough but no. Walking around the Old Town in Tallinn we were both freezing. It was so cold and there was so much snow in Estonia. I can’t even imagine how much snow does we have in my island at home. The Old Town was really pretty. Kyle liked it and even I said that the old town squire looks like a postcard. We were walking around the Christmas market but didn’t buy anything. This was also my first time there because usually on that time I’m already at home in the island. At 5 o’clock I went and cut my hair, it was good to sit inside where was warm. After that we went to eat dinner one of my favorite pubs, my cousin came with us too. Kyle tried one think from my food list. It was made of milk but a little bit thicker. He didn’t like it. He said that it was like eating sour cream but it wasn’t a sour cream. Anyway that was the only thing he didn’t like, everything else was good. He doesn’t know what he’s missing, lol. We ended our evening in the movie theatre watching The next three days. The movie was pretty good. On Sunday Kristiinas boyfriend took us for a ride around the city so Kyle could see some places in Tallinn before we go to the island where my home is. He saw some places but like anywhere else he should come back in summer time because everything is pretty and there is so much to do. After driving around couple of hours we went to meet my friends. The evening was fun and Kyle got to meet some of my good friends. I’m really happy that everybody spoke english all night long even if they were talking with each other. That was really thoughtful.
P.S. More pictures: http://picasaweb.google.com/HeleriR/TallinnEstonia#