Uus 9 päevane seiklus!
Ärkasin varem et viimased asjad pakkida sest tahtsime lennujaama kusagil kella 1 ajal minna sest tavaliselt on Ryanairi lendudel väga pikad järjekorrad. Võtsime takso sest kottidega metroosse minna on nii tülikas. Lennujaama jõudes nägime et järjekordi polnudki, super. Ehk inimesed lendavad siis varahommikul või hilisõhtul. Kyle käis viisakontrollis ja kõik läks hästi. Tegime check ini ära, läksime läbi turvakontrolli ning jäime lendu ootama. Söime hommikust lennujaamas –väikse võileiva. Lend kestis natukene üle 2 tunni ja olimegi Brüsselis. Lennujaamast pidime sõitma bussiga veel tund aega Brüsseli kesklinna. Buss peatus rongijaamas, sealt võtsime takso ning sõitsime oma hotelli. Taksojuht ei osanud hotelli minna, aga selgus et see on uus. Hotell on väga lahe, üks parimaid kus oleme Euroopas ööbinud. Väga moderne. Tuba on lahe. Megasuur LCD telekas seinas, voodi on super mugav- kui sinna istud siis püsti enam tõusta ei taha. Allkorrusel on baar, piljard ning mõnusad lebotamistoolid kamina ümber. Hotell asub Euroopa Parlamendi piirkonnas. Kesklinna saame metrooga 10 minutit. Küsisime hotelli töötajatelt kuhu minna õhtust sööma. Otsustasime tänasel õhtul minna lähedal asuvasse väikesele väljakule kus oli mitmeid söögikohti. Väljas ei olnud külm, aga ei olnud ka soe. Restoranis kus me õhtust söime olid soojapuhurid õues ning seetõttu valisime laua terrassil. Meie valikuks osutus Belgia õlu. Kyle valis heleda õlu ning mina kirsiõlu. Söögi poole pealt suupisteks valisime kreveti qroquetta (mis on siis peamiselt muna, jahu ja krevetid aga maitseb nagu oleks see kartulipuder ning mis on praetud väikeseks palliks) ning pearoaks jagasime hobuseliha. Mõlemad olid väga maitsvad. Hobuseliha oli muidugi Genevas parem, aga hind oli ka poole kallim. Peale maistvat õhtusööki läksime kõrval baari ning proovisime veel 2 erinevat õlut. Selles baaris oli pildiraami sees erinevatest riikidest kohalik raha ja kohe jäi silma ka eesti 10 ja 25 kroonine :) Tegin pildi tõestusmaterjaliks. Mõnus algus meie reisile on tehtud. Sellest tuleb kindlasti järjekordne vahva reis. Ootan juba homset päeva!
Rohkem pilte: https://picasaweb.google.com/HeleriR/BrusselsBelgium#
I woke up early to finish packing because we wanted to go to the airport around 1PM because there are usually so long lines with Ryanair flights. We took a taxi because it’s so difficult to take a metro with the bags. We had only one check in bag, one carry on bag and a computer. When we got to the airport there wasn’t any lines. That was surprising. Mayby people travel in the morning and in the evening not in the middle of the day. Kyle went to visa checking, it went well. We ate breakfast in the airport because we didn’t had anything at home. We are going to be away 9 days and it would be good if there is any food in the fridge what might go bad. Flight was over 2 hours and we made it to Brussels. Let the fun begin.
From the aiport we had to take a bus to the city center. It was one hour ride. The bus stoped in a train station, from there we took a taxi and went to our hotel. The taxi driver didn’t know how to go there because it was new. The hotel was AWESOME. One of the best where we have stayed during our travels in Europe. It was so modern and design was incredible. It had a big LCD TV on the wall and bed was sooooo comfortable- if you sit down you didn’t want to stand up anymore. Downstairs was a bar, pool table and a fireplace. The hotel was located near the EU institutions- Aloft Brussels Schumann. We were really happy with this discovery. City center is only 10 minutes metro ride. We asked from the hotel workers where is the best places to eat and also what places we have to definately see while being in Brussels. We got a map and recommendations. This evening we decided to walk around the area neat the hotel and go to the city center tomorrow. We walked to a small square what was full of restaurants. It wasn’t cold outside, but it wasn’ warm either. We choosed a restaurant what had heaters so we could sit outside. Right away we wanted to try belgium beer. Kyle choosed light beer and I wanted to try cherry beer. Both of them were really good. Our appetiser was shrimp croquettas. It was delicious. Similiar like in Spain, but way better, lol :D We decided to split main course- horse meat. It was good, but the horse meat what we ate in Switzerland was so much better. It was more expensive too of course. After good dinner we weren’t ready to go back to the hotel so we walked to a bar next to the restaurant and tried some more beers. There was a frame full of money from different countries. I found Estonian 10 and 25 EEK :D It was good beginning to our trip. It is going to be another good trip. I can’t wait for tomorrow!
More pictures: https://picasaweb.google.com/HeleriR/BrusselsBelgium#