Meie hotell soovitas meile väga head hommikusöögi kohta. Söök oli seal orgaaniline ja väga maitsev. Kyle söi munaroa ja mina müsli, jogurti ja puuviljadega.Crossaint oli ka super hea. Pärast hommikusööki jalutasime Brüsseli vanalinnas ringi. Nägime Grand Place peaväljakut ning Mannekes Pis – väikest pronkskuju poissi kes koguaeg pissib. Peaväljakul oli Godiva šokolaadipood ja seal müüdi šokolaadiga kaetud maasikaid, mitte ei suutnud neid ostmata jätta. Ütleme nii et need oli ülimaitsvad. Olime just hommikust söönud aga kui belgia vahvleid nägin oli kõht jälle tühi. Peale pikka mõnusat jalutuskäiku sõitsime metrooga Atomiumi vaatama. Atomium on monument Brüsselis, algselt ehitatud Expo '58, the 1958 Brüssel World's Fair. Ta on üheksa terasest sfäärides ühendatud nii, et kogu vormide kuju üksuse raku raua kristall võimendab 165 miljardit korda. Atomiumi kõrval asus ka Park Mini Euroopa. Pargis näeb üle 80 Euroopa Liidu miniatuurseid linnasid. Päris huvitav oli seal ringi jalutada. Tallinna miniatuurne vanalinn oli sinna parki isegi ära eksinud. Parki sisse astudes tehti meist maskotiga koos pilt ning pargist lahkudes sai selle pildi osta. Olen paljudes kohtades selliseid pilte teinud aga mitte kunagi pole neid ostnud sest teeme ise niikuinii pilte. Seekord kui ma seda pilti nägin siis pidin selle ostma kuna see mulle väga meeldis. Proovisime palju erinevaid õllesid. Minu lemmikuteks osutusid vaarika ja kirsi õlu. Kyle’ile meeldis rohkem hele õlu. Šokolaad oli ka väga maitsev. Peaaegu igas teises poes sai tasuta erinevaid šokolaade proovitud. Väga populaarne toit Brüsselis on friikartulid mida saab osta väikestest putkadest väga odavalt. Oleme harjunud et Madriidis ei räägi keegi inglise keelt väga hästi aga Brüsselisse tulles ei olnud mingit probleemi kuna enamus inimesi rääkis inglise keelt. Õhtul jalutasime vanalinnas ringi ja leidsime pika tänava mis oli täis mereandine restorane. Valisime ühe restorani kus saime vaadata ka Real Madridi ja Barcelona mängu. Loomulikult valisime selle koha kuna saime 2 tasuta klaasi sampust. Õhtusöögiks söime krevette, tigusid ja vähi suppi. Restoranis oli kamin mis muutis meie õhtu romantiliseks. Kõht täis ja mäng läbi suundusime kõrval tänavale asuvasse baari Delirium. See on väga populaarne baar kuna seal müüakse 250 erinevat õlut ning samuti saab osta seal absinti. Kaks päeva Brüsselis oli just piisav aeg nüüd on aeg vallutada Amsterdam.
Our hotel recommended to us a really good breakfast place. It was a small cafe, but the food was organic and really healthy. Kyle got eggs and I got a parfait with granola, fruit and yogurt. Freshly baked crossant was also delicious. After breakfast we walked around the old town. We saw the main square- Grand Place- what is awesome. The buildings are so incredible. Took pictures of the small bronze fountain sculpture- Manneken Pis- a naked little boy peeing into the fountain's basin. On the main square I bought strawberries covered with Godiva chocolate. Oooo my :D It was heavenly good, lol. We had just ate breakfast but I’ve always wanted to eat those and I had to have it! When I also saw belgium waffles I couldn’t just walked by I had to get those too. Kyle got just the waffle but I got with strawberries and bananas. I thought I’m going to blow up, I was so full. After our walk in the old town we took a metro and went to see a Atomium. The Atomium is a monument in Brussels, originally built for Expo '58, the 1958 Brussels World's Fair. It was pretty cool. Next to the Atomium was Mini Europe Park. Mini-Europe has the reproductions of the most attractive monuments in the European Union on show, at a scale of 1:25. Roughly 80 cities and 350 buildings are represented. We both liked it. It was fun! When we walked in the park photographer took a pictures of us with the mascot. When you leave the park you can buy the pictures. I’ve done that kind of pictures in a lot of places but never bought them. When we walked out from the park and when I saw the pictures I wanted it. It was good picture and it wasn’t expensive like those usually are. Walking around the city you could eat chocolate in every store- everything was so yammy :D We asked from a beer store what are the 5 best belgium beers and bought those to try. My favorites were cherry and rasberry. Kyle still liked light beer. Very popular food in Brussels in also fries. You could buy those from every corner and it’s cheap. It was so much easier in Brussels to talk with people, because almost everybody can speak english.
In the evening we found a street full of seafood restaurants. Everybody were trying to get us to their restaurant offering free drinks etc. We finally choosed one small restaurant where was a fireplace and Kyle could watch Real Madrid and Barcelona game, but we got also 2 free glasses of champagne. We ate garlic shrimp, snails and lobster soup. Everything was really good. After dinner we went and found on of the popular bars in Brussels- Delirium. They offer more than 250 different beer sna they have also absint in their menu. It was really cool bar because they had the whole street for their own. It was a good day and now we’re ready to go and discover Amsterdam.
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