Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Amsterdam - Day 1



12:18 sõitsime rongiga Amsterdami. See oli meie mõlema esimene rongisõit. Kahe tunni pärast olimegi Amsterdamis. Rongijaamast ostsime ka kohe pileti Cologne. Sõitsime oma hotelli kus meid võeti väga hästi vastu. Toas ootas meid troopilistest marjadest tere tulemast pakike. Panime kotid tuppa ning läksime Amsterdami avastama. Hotellist kesklinna oli kusagil 15-20 minutiline jalutuskäik. Ilm oli ilus nii et jalutuskäigu vastu pole meil midagi. Ilmaga oli meil väga vedanud kuna soojakraadid ulatusid kuni 26 kraadini. Museumpleinil kus asub Van Gogh ja Rijksmuuseum asus ka suur park. Park oli inimesi täis. Enamus kohti oli kinni kuna oli pühapäev. Leidseplein väljak oli puupüsti inimesi täis kuna seal asus väga palju söögikohti. Jalutasime natukene aega ringi et näha millised restoranid seal on. Meie valikuks osutus Itaalia restoran. Küsisime taksojuhilt kes meid hotelli viis et mis on Amsterdami kohalik toit. Ta ütles, et sellist toitu nagu polegi. Inimesed pidavat sööma siin paljude erinevate riikide toite. Imelik on siin see et inimesed alustavad sinuga rääkimist inglise keeles mitte nende emakeeles. Ehk nad teavad et turiste on nii palju ja peamiselt räägitakse inglise keelt. Trammid ja jalgratturid on seal küll väga ohtlikud. Amsterdam on väga lahe linn. Eriti vahvad on kanalimajad kus inimesed elavad. Neil kõigil peab olema majades elekter ning vesi nagu tavalistel majadel. Toit on tunduvalt parem kui Madriidis. Valik on suurem. Jalutasime peatänaval ringi aga ega ka seal midagi väga näha väga ei olnud kuna enamus poode olid kinni. Eks me peame ootama homseni. Coffee shopid on iga nurga peal. Kyle oli nii vaimustatud neist. Läksime korra hotelli puhkama ning õhtul jalutasime peaväljakule-Dam ning käisime uudistasime ka punaste laternate tänavat. Kyle arvas et see tänav on poole hullem ja räpasem, haha. Homme võtame tõsiselt linna uudistamise käsile. Tänane päev oli kiire ülevaade kus teatud kohad asuvad. Kyle’ile väga meeldib Amsterdam. Ütles, et siiamaani on see ta lemmiklinn Euroopas.

Rohkem pilte:


At 12:18PM we were on our way to Amsterdam. It was our first train ride in Europe. When we arrived to Amsterdam we bought train tickets to Cologne right away. We took a taxi and drove to our hotel. We put away our bags and went for a walk. It was about 15-20 minutes walk to the city center from the hotel. The weather was beautiful so we didn’t mind walking. We’ve been so lucky with the weather all through our trip. It’s been +26C. First stop was Museumplein where was Rijksmuseum, Van Gogh museum and Diamond museum. There was also Iamsterdam sign. There was a big park next to the museum and that day it was full of people. Most of the places were closed today because it was Sunday. Next stop was Leidseplein square what was full of restaurants. We asked from the taxi driver that what was a traditional Amsterdam food we should definately eat. He said there wasn’t any that people here eat different kinds of food. So we could eat everything, we like that. We felt like eating pizza in a italian restaurant.Usually when you travel to a country the people over there start speaking with you to their native language and then when they see that you speak English they start talking to you in English. In Amsterdam people started to talk in English not in Dutch and it was like that every place we went to. It was so much easier than in Madrid where most of the people doesn’t understand english. Trams and bikes are really dangerous over there. They are everywhere. You better not walk on the bike road because you might get hit. The city is well kept. There are flowers everywhere. It is a very cool city. The food is better than in Madrid, there are more choices here. We walked also on the main shopping street but most of the shops were closed. There are coffee shops in every corner. You just go in and buy weed and smoke it in there. Kyle was so excited about the coffee shops. I bet most of the people are, lol :D We walked back to the hotel to rest a little bit and in the evening went to the main square- Dam. We ended our day walking around the red light district. I’ve been there before so I know what to expect. Kyle thought it was worse but when he saw it it wasn’t that bad. Definately place to see in Amsterdam. Today was a quick overview where the things are and tomorrow we are going to tour around more. Kyle said that Amsterdam is his favorite city in Europe so far.

More pictures:


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