Reede hommikul sõitsime tagasi Brüsselisse. Seekord pidime 2 korda rongi vahetama kuna saime soodsa rongipileti. Mõtlesime et see võib väga tüütu olla, aga õnneks laabus kõik hästi. Enne rongile minekut Colognes nägime jälle rongijaamas passikontrolli ringi jalutamas. Õnneks jalutasime ruttu eemale, et nad meie juurde ei tuleks. Nad olid päris karmid ja kisasid seal ühe hiina pere peale. Jõudsime õnnelikult Brüsselisse. Brüsselis leidsime hotelli kus me saime tuba jagada neljakesi kuna nii on odavam. Mary ja Julie läksid linna peale ringi jalutama me natukene puhkasime kuna olime Brüsselit juba näinud. Mõne aja pärast läksime otsisime linna pealt midagi süüa. Söime vahvleid jälle ning leidsime tervisliku söögikoha kust ostsime oma lõunasöögi. Käisime ka toidupoes kust mõtlesime et leiame ka midagi põnevat näksimist ning ostsime õhtuks ka mõned belgia õlled. Õhtul hiljem läksime neljakesi vanalinna õhtust sööma ning sellega ka meie reis lõppes.
Tüdrukutel läks lennuk varahommikul meie lendasime õhtul kell 6 ajal. Pidime rongijaamast bussiga lennujaama sõitma ning seal veel paar tundi lendu ootama. Ryanairi lennukid lendavad alati lennujaama mis asub linnast vähemalt tunni bussisõidu kaugusel. Eks see tüütu ole, aga piletid on odavamad. Lõpp hea, kõik hea. Reis oli super äge ja oleme tagasi õnnelikult Madriidis kus meil on jäänud veel ainult 1 kuu ning siis algavad juba uued seiklused uues kohas. Enne Euroopast lahkumist lähme veel Itaaliasse ja suveks tagasi Eestisse.
On Friday morning we went back to Brussels. This time we had to take 3 different trains that means switching twice. We had to do that because we wanted the cheapest tickets. Me and Kyle thought that it was a bad idea, because switching and finding trains is so much trouble but everything worked out. Before going to the train we saw the passport controls walking around the train station. We walked away from them as soon as we saw them. They were yelling to a chinese family asking where they are from and so on. I guess the passport checking is a little bit stronger here in Germany. We made it back to Brussels. We found a hotel big enough for 4 of us to share because it’s cheaper like that. We had 2 queen size beds in the room. Mary and Julie went to walk around in the city center but we stayed in the hotel to rest a little bit. We have already seen Brussels. After a couple of hours we went out to find lunch. We just had to buy belgium waffles because those are sooooo good and we also found a organic food place where we bought our lunch. When I’m travelling I always want to go to the grocery stores because every country has different things in the stores and I want to try them. We bought some belgium beers too to drink in the hotel room before we went out. In the evening we went out to eat our last dinner of our trip.
Mary and Julie flew back to Madrid early on the Saturday morning. Our flight was 6PM. We had to took a bus from the train station to the airport. Ryanair always flies to the airport away from the city so you pretty much every time have to take a bus to the city center. Sometimes it might not be comfortable but the tickets are cheaper. We made it back to Madrid and our trip was awesome. There is only one month left in Madrid and then there is going to be new adventures in a new place. Before leaving from Europe we are going to Italy and then back to Estonia.
Until next time ;)
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