Magasime ennast välja ning kella 11 paiku võtsime suuna vanalinna poole. Jalutasime peatänavale mis viis vanalinna. Enna peatänavale minekut söime väikeses pagariäris hommikust-saiake ja kohvi. Sain üle pika aja kohupiimakooki süüa. Peatänaval leidsime paar lahedat poodi. Üks neist oli fotograafia pood, kus müüdi üliägedaid fotosid ning teine oli õlide ja maitseainete pood. Poes sai proovida erinevaid maitseaineid ja õlisid enne kui ostad. Kyle läks päris pöördesse kuna ta ei suuda oliivõlist eemale hoida, haha :D Lõpuks jõudsime peakiriku juurde mis oli vägev. Ei tea miks see kirik musta värvi oli, nagu õudusfilmist. Kiriku kõrval oli ka rongijaam kust ostsime rongipiletid Brüsselisse. Ostsime pileti kus peame 2 korda rongi vahetama. Kiirelt otsustades tegime vale otsuse. Eks näis kui tüütu see saab olema, aga mis tehtud see tehtud. Siiamaani ei olnud ma eriti Cologne’ist vaimistatud aga kui jõudsime Rheini jõeni oli jutt juba teine. Istusime jõe kõrval kohvikus mõnda aega ning seejärel jalutasime üle silla. Silla küljes oli tuhandeid tabalukke. Seda nimetatakse armastusesillaks. Selline sama sild on ka pariisis. Paarid kirjutavad luku peale oma nimed, lukustavad selle silla külge ning viskavad võtme ära – see peaks tähendama siis et nad on koos igavesti. Hommikusöögiks oli möödas jube tunde ja kõhud hakkasid korisema. Otsisime restorani mis pakkus õiget saksa toitu. Rheini jõe kaldal oli neid päris palju. Meil kõigil oli ikka päris raske suhelda inimestega kuna mitte ükski meist ei osanud rääkida saksa keelt. Ma küll õppisin 3 aastat gümnaasiumis, aga midagi külge kahjuks ei jäänud. Õhtusöögiks tellisime verivorsti saksa moodi mis oli hea aga mitte nii hea kui Eesti oma ning erinevus oli ka see et see oli külm. Pearoaks tellisime praekartulid vorstiga mis oli imehea. Peale pikka päeva ringi jalutades suundusime hotelli ning paari tunni pärast läksime istusime hotelli lähedal asuvas baaris ning lõpetasime oma reisi Cologne’is paari saksa õllega.
Our day started at 11AM when we start walking towards the old town and city center. We walked to the main street what took us to the old town. Before starting our tour we ate breakfast in a small cafe on the main street. We found a couple of really cool stores on the main street. One was a photography store and they had so amazing photos on sale. The other one was oil and vinegar. The store had so many different kinds of olive oils, vinegar and herbs. You could taste everything before you even buy. Kyle wanted everything from there especially olive oil because he just loves it. The store had a personality, it was pretty cool. After walking 30 minutes we made it to the cathedral. I was so big but it was also very dark. We have seen a lot of cathedrals travelling around Europe but it was a scary looking color for a cathedral. I’m curious why it’s so dark. The train station was next to the cathedral so we bought our tickets back to Brussels. We got a ticket and we have to switch train twice. I don’t think it was a good idea, but I guess will see tomorrow. Finally we saw the river- Rhein. That area next to the river was pretty. We sit down to a cafe for a while and enjoyed a beautiful weather. We were getting hungry but decided to walk around a little bit more. We walked across the bridge to the other side. There was a high glass building where you could go on top and see the view over Cologne. The bridge was also like in Paris – lover bridge. There was a thousands of locks on the bridge.Couples write down their names on the lock, lock it to the bridge and throw away the key and they are together forever. Again we didn’t had a lock with us but like Kyle always says that he wants to put a combination lock just in case, lol :D We all were hungry and on the way back strated to find a place were we could eat some german sausage. Didn’t took us a long time to find a place. There were so many restaurants next to the river. None of us didn’t know any german language but somehow we managed to do things all through our Cologne trip. I studied German 3 years in high school but I don’t remember anything what is sad. So, we finally got some Germany sausage what was really good. We also tried blood sausage German style. It wasn’t that good as in Estonia. After long day of walking around we went back to the hotel and in the evening went out to eat dinner close to the hostel. We all were happy with Cologne and I think it was a nice little city.
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