Ärkasin varakult et hakata otsima uut hotelli, kuna pidime praegusest hotellist ära minema. Hotell kus me peatusime helistas ühte teise hotelli ja saime hea pakkumise 2ks päevaks. Loodetevasti leiame selle aja jooksul endale korteri. Meie uues hotellis on isegi 3 inglise keelset kanalit, nii tore, sest siin loetakse ju kõigile kanalitele hispaania keeles peale, nad vist ei tea midagi subtiitritest :D Hakkasime jälle korterite asjus helistama ja käisime 2 isegi vaatamas. Mõlemad olid ok, aga tahetakse üürida miinimum aasta ja see meile ei sobi.
Käisime Plaza de Espana väljakul ja leidsime ka kino, kus on isegi mõned inglise keelsed filmid. Tundub, et siin eriti kinos ei saa käia, kuna kõigile filmidele loetakse hispaania keeles peale. Nõme!
Õhtu veetsime iiri pubis, meiega ühines ka üks poiss Kyle koolist. Seal kuulis isegi inglise keelt ja sai inimestega vähekenegi suhelda. Küll on ikka raske kui ei oska hispaania keelt rääkida. Tuleb ruttu keel selgeks õppida, see teeb asjad hoopis kergemaks.
We woke up early, because we had to move from this hotel, it was all booked. At least the hotel called another hotel and got a good deal for us and it was just across the street. It’s our third hotel already, o my god. I just want to find an apartment for us and a job would be good too.
This hotel has 3 tv channels what are in english,yay. All the channels are in spanish here. I think they don’t know anything about subtitles. We should tell them to use those, lol. Again we started to call the apartments and went to see 2 places. They were both ok, but the owners want to rent it out minimum for a year, but that’s not working for us, because we don’t know yet if we are staying in Madrid. It depends where Kyle is going to get a job.
We found Plaza de Espana, what was really cool. Plaza de España (or "Spain Square" in English) is a large square, and popular tourist destination, located in cent Madrid, Spain, at the western end of the Gran Vía. It features a monument to Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra, aralnd is bordered by two of Madrid's most prominent skyscrapers. We also were trying to find movie theatre, but all the movies are in spanish here.That sucks :D. We found a small place where you can see some movies in english, but not a lot. I guess we can go and check that place out one time.
In the evening me, Kyle and Pol (from the school) went to the irish bar to drink some beers and eat tapas. We even heard some english in that bar, so mayby that’s the place to be. It’s really hard to be in a city what language you don’t speak. Only thing I can think about is to learn the language really quickly. It would make things so much easier.
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