Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Tutvumine linnaga/Getting to know the city



Vaade hommikusöögi lauast oli imeline. Peale hommikusööki hakkasime internetist uut hotelli otsima, kuna tahtsime odavamat leida. Käisime vaatasime uue koha üle, tegime vanast kohast check out ja läksime uude. Säästsime ikka paarkümmend eurot. Kutsusime takso ja läksime oma 8 kotiga uude hotelli. Viisime kotid tuppa ja läksime jälle linna peale jalutama. Kuumus oli tappev- 34 kraadi. Tahtsime minna bussituurile, aga selleks oli liiga palav. Käisime vaatasime Prado muuseumit väljast, ehk hiljem lähme võib olla ka sisse uudistama. Jalutasime Retiro Pargis, mis oli imeilus.

Leidsime laheda suveniiripoe, kus Kyle hulluks läks, kuna ta leidis nii palju asju mida endale tahaks. Mul oli juba palavusest nii halb olla, et jalutasime tagasi ja otsisime kohta kus süüa. Avastus missugune, enamus kohti olid kinni, kell oli 4 ja tänavad olid inimtühjad. Siesta mis siesta. Pidime ikka päris kaua otsima, enne kui leidsime mingi kohviku kust ostsime salati ja võileivad kaasa ning läksime hotelli sööma.

Õhtul läksime välja ning leidsime baari,mille nimi oli meie ühise sõbra perekonnanimi- Principe. Ega me kaua ei mõelnud, läksime sisse ja jõime oma esimesed sangriad. Mulle tohutult maitses. Peatänaval jalutades ilmusid tee peale sajad jalgratturid, kes lihtsalt vallutasid peatee. Ei saanud me aru mis toimus.



The view from the breakfast table was awesome. We had a buffee breakfast, what was really good and after that started to look for a new hotel online. Before we booked the new hotel, we went and saw it first. We saved at least 30-40 euros by going to a different hotel. We did check out, took a cab and went to our second home- Hotel Lusso. I really hope to find apartment soon, because I don’t want to spend money living in a hotel. After we did a check in in the hotel we went for a walk. It was so hot outside- 93 F. We

wanted to take the bus tour, but it was too hot. We have still time to do it! We saw museum Prado, but didn’t go in this time. We were walking in a Retiro Park, what was beautiful.

We found a really cool souvenir shop. Kyle went crazy over there, because he found so many awesome things what he wants to buy. Because of the heat I was so weak and we started to walk back to the hotel. On the way we wanted to find a place to eat, but all the cafes were closed. It was 4 o’clock and the streets were empty. Siesta time! Finally found one place where we bought salad and two sandwiches and went to the hotel to eat late lunch.

In the evening we went walking again. We found a bar named Principe, like our friend Joe last name :D We couldn’t just walk past it, we went in and ordered our first sangrias in Spain. It was soooooo good. After that took a walk in the main street- Gran Via and suddenly saw hundreds of bikers who took over the main street. We had no idea what’s going on and why they were there.

Another good day ;)


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