Kyle pidi koolis tegema presentatsiooni ükskõik millisel teemal. Ta valis teemaks- Mis ma olen õppinud 7 päeva jooksul Madriidis olles. Reedel sai ta teada, et tema presentatsioon oli klassi parim. TUBLI!!! Õpetaja oli talle ka öelnud, et kui ta hispaania keele selgeks õpiks, siis ta saaks väga tasuva õpetamise töö Hispaanias. Seda on hea meel kuulda, sest see näitab seda, et Kyle on väga hea õpetaja.
Eelmisel nädalal ma kirjutasin, et leidsime ühe korteri. Nüüd siis sain selle mehega kokku sealt firmast kelle kaudu me selle korteri võtame ja maksin talle deposiidi ära- 13.september saame korterisse sisse kolida. Natukene kallis on, kuna me kumbki veel ei tööta, aga see sisaldab kõike mida üldse on elamiseks vaja, lihtsalt koli sisse. Nii et see on lihtne meie jaoks, me ei pea midagi ostma-tekid, padjad, kööginõud ega mingeid lepinguid interneti või kaabel tv jaoks tegema. Eks ma räägin varsti pikemalt meie korterist, aga praegu räägin kuidas ma kohtumispaika otsisin kus ma pidin selle mehega kokku saama. Ta andis mulle metroo peatuse nime, kuhu pidin minema. Ma vaatasin kaardi pealt ja leidsin selle koha. Hakkasin siis jalutama ja peale 30 minutit ei olnud ikka veel õiget kohta leidnud. Küsisin kolmelt erinevalt inimeselt kuhu poole minna ja nad kõik seletasid erinevalt, eks ma muidugi poolest jutust aru ei saanud, kuna nad seletasin hispaania keeles. Lõpuks siis sain teada kus see koht on. Kaardil oli sama nimelist metroo peatust rohkem kui üks, see on küll nüüd mingi trükiviga. See mees juba helistas ja ütles, et ootab veel 10 minutit ja siis ta peab ära minema. Väljas oli nii palav, mu jalanõud hõõrusid ja ma jooksin tundmatus suunas, lootes et olen õigel teel. Lõpuks leidsin õige koha. Maksin deposiidi ära, sain tseki ning hakkasin tagasi hostelisse jalutama. Astusin kogemata nätsu otsa ja igasugused paberid ja muud asjad jäid mu jalatsi külge kinni. No mida veel, ihiiii. Jalutasin mööda tänavat kusagil 2 minutit kui äkki olin meie hosteli kõrval. APPI, kas tõesti ma tegin 40 minutilise ringi mööda linna, kui kohtumispaik oli tegelikult vaid 2 minuti kaugusel ja samal tänaval kui meie hostel. Oh mind ikka küll... nagu komöödia film... Otsi veel mingeid koht kaardi järgi :D
Õhtul läks Kyle paari koolikaaslasega välja, kusagile baari istuma. Ma ei viitsinud kaasa minna ja otsustasin kodus filmi vaadata- The Last Song, mida Kyle nii kui nii minuga vaadata ei taha, naistekas ju! Mõne tunni möödudes tuli Kyle koju ja rääkis oma põnevast õhtust. Teel koju oli 4 prostituudi talle külge ajanud ja öelnud lets fucki, lets fuckie, 5 euros. Jessus, need prostituudid on eriti odavad, haha.
Homme on meil ekskursioon Aranjuezi linna 45 minutit linnast välja. Ootan põnevusega.
Kyle had to do a presentation at school about anything. He decided to talk about- What have I learned during the days I’ve been in Madrid? His speech was really funny when he told me what he was talking about. On Friday he found out that his presentation was the best. YAY!!! Teacher even told him that if he learned spanish, he could get really good job in Madrid, I guess that means that he is good at teaching. I’m proud of him!
Last week I wrote about one apartment what we were looking at. It’s for short term and it includes everything. Yesterday I paid the deposit and we can move in September 13. We got a good price for 2,5 months. We can always move from there, all we are loosing is the deposit. It’s a little bit expensive right now, because we both don’t work, but it’s also a good deal, because it includes everything. We don’t have to worry about where to get cabel or internet. We don’t have to buy towls, cleaning things,kitchen stuff etc. We can just move in. It’s 15 minutes from Kyle’s school and to the central it’s 30 minutes walk, but I think we are going to use metro, it’s easier. I’ll tell you more about the apartment soon.
Now the funny story how I was looking for the meeting place to pay the apartment deposit. The guy from the company gave me the name of the metro stop. I looked it up on the map and started to walk. After 30 minutes I still haven’t found that place. I asked directions from three different people and all of them told me to go different directions. Well to be honest I didn’t even understand what they were saying, because they were speaking in spanish. It was so hot outside and my shoes were hurting my feet. I called the guy and told him that I’m not finding the meeting place. He tried to explane a little bit, but his english is not so good. Finally he said that he can wait for me 10 more minutes and then he have to leave. I was starting to run random direction, just hoping that this is the right way and it was. There was two metro stops with the same name on the map. I’m not using that map again. I finally found the place. I was so tired. I paid the deposit and started to walk back home. On the way I steped on the gum and everything on the ground- papers, leaves etc were stuck on my shoes, lol. What else is going to happen with me? After walking 2 minutes I saw my hostel. Really? The meeting place was in the same street and only 2 minutes from my hostel. I just started to laugh. I was walking with this hot weather for 40 minutes to wrong direction. Like a comedy movie... :D I’m really bad using maps, lol :D
In the evening Kyle went out with his friends from school. I was so tired and stayed in a hostel. I watched a movie and went to bed early. Kyle came home just before I fell asleep and told me about his adventure in the city. He had fun night and on the way home 4 hookers were hitting on him and said lets fucki, lets fucki, 5 euros. That was the only thing they could say in english and wow, only 5 euros. Hookers here are really cheap.
Tomorrow we are going to a small town Aranjuez near the city with Kyle’s school.
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