Varahommikul kolisime juba neljandasse nii öelda kodusse, seekord siis natukene odavamasse hostelisse. Loodetavasti oleme seal seni kuni korteri leiame, sest üldse ei taha rohkem kolida vahepeal. Peale seda läks Kyle kooli ja mina jäin hostelisse- tegelesin töö otsimisega. Oleme viimasel ajal ikka väga vähe söönud. Kuna kummalgi tööd veel pole, siis ei taha väga palju söögi peale raha raisata. Nii palju on häid toite mida tahaks proovida, aga hetkel ei saa paljusid asju lubada. Ega ma nüüd ei ütle, et me päris näljas oleksime, aga võin öelda, et paar kilo olen kaotanud küll, ihii :D Vähemalt ei lähe paksuks, haha :D
Hispaanias on prostitutsioon lubatud ja neid on siin igal pool, õhtuti aga ka päeval. Pole mina mitte ühtegi ilusat tüdrukut kohanud, kõik näevad nii jubedad välja. Naljakas on veel see, et nad toetuvad puude najal, mis on üksteise järel, nagu seisaksid järjekorras.
Õhtul tegi Kyle avastuse, et miks tekil pole lina all. Ma siis seletasin, et enamasti magatakse ikka tekiga, mis on tekikoti sees. Tema ikka ütles, et tekile pannakse veel lina ka alla, et nii on õige. Naljatilk! On ikka naljakas, et inimesed erinevatest riikidest teevad paljusid asju teistmoodi. Samal ajal kui Kyle õhtul arvutis kodutöid tegi vaatasin mina telekat. Kõik kanalid on hispaania keeles ja vahepeal ma lihtsalt unustasin ennast vaatama, kui mõne hetke pärast taipasin, et ma ei saa ju mitte midagi aru mis telekas räägitakse.
Ja ongi käes septembrikuu :)
Early in the morning we moved to our 4th home already. This time it was a little bit cheaper hostel.Hopefully we can stay here until we find an apartment, because I don’t want to move again. After we brought the bags in the hostel Kyle went to school. I stayed in a hostel and started to look for a job online again.
We haven’t been eating a lot lately and we are so hungry all the time, it’s because we both don’t have job yet, so we are not spending a lot of money on food. It doesn’t mean that we are starving, just eating less than normally. There are so many interesting food what we want to try and we will, but not right now. At least we are not gaining any weight, lol :D
Prostitution is legal in Spain, pimping is not. There are couple of streets where they are hanging during night time and also during day time. Yes, Spain has day time hookers :D Funny is that they are all leaning against the trees, like in a line. I’m being honest all the hookers are not pretty at all, not even one.
In the evening Kyle discovered that blanket doesn’t have a sheet under it. I explained that you put sheet on the bed and blanket goes inside the blanket cover and that’s it. He was like no, we have to go and ask for another sheet. It was so funny. People do things differently and most of the times hotels use second sheet for blanket. During the time when Kyle was doing homework I was watching tv. I think that after half an hour I realized that I don’t understand anything what they are saying on tv, because it was in spanish. I was just so concentrated, mayby I was trying to understand :D
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