Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Cine Dore Filmoteca



Käisime üleeile ühte korterit vaatamas ja see oli niiii ilus. Ütlesime sellele naisele et oleme huvitatud ja tahame seda korterit ning et helistame järgmine päev uuesti, et öelda kas saame teatud paberi pangast. Kui tagasi helistasime siis selgus, et ta oli selle juba kellelegi teisele rentinud, et need inimesed olid kohe deposiidi ära maksnud. No midaaaaa!!!!! See naine ütles meile veel, et jah helistage homme mulle jne. Miks ta siis selle korteri ära andis, kui me ütlesime, et me tahame seda. Ma olin nii kurb kui seda kuulsin, sest see korter meeldis mulle nii väga. Poleks pidanud enam kortereid otsima, oleksime saanud seal aasta elada küll. Nüüd hakka uuesti otsima, nii tüütu. Olen vaadanud ja otsinud, aga enam nii kenat korterit ei leia ja kui leian, siis maksavad hinge hinda. Nuuks nuuks. Ju see siis olnud meile see õige korter, ju pidi nii minema, kes seda teab. Kurb on küll, et me ei saanud seda korterit, oleks natuke kergem, kui elamine oleks olemas juba, saaks muude asjadega tegeleda.

Täna siis lähen uuesti tagasi iiri pubisse, kus selgub, kas sellel omanikul on mulle mingit tööd pakkuda või ei.Eile käisin Hard Rock Cafes ja viisin oma cv nendele. Rääkisin juhatajaga ja ta ütles, et tal hetkel pole tööd, aga mõtleb ja vaatab ning helistab kui leiab mulle mingi töö. Kõik olid väga sõbralikud seal. Eks see paistab kas nad helistavad või mitte.

Kuna me polnud õhtust veel söönud, siis otsustasime minna koos Chrisigakusagile baari enne kinno minekut. Jõime paar õlut, mille juurde saime ka tasuta suupisteid ehk tapasid. Väga paljudes baarides on nii, et kui ostad õlut, siis saad taldrikutäie suupisteid tasuta.

Õhtul hiljem läksime Kyle koolikaaslastega kinno ühte vanaaegset filmi vaatama- Royal Wedding (1951). Selles kinos näidataksegi vanaegseid filme ja kinosaal on õues. Väga lahe kogemus oli, kuna kui tihti sa satud selliseid vanaaegseid klassikalisi filme vaatama. Nende õpetaja tuli ka kaasa ja mis kõige naljakam - ta oli jummala purjus, haha :D Peale filmi läksime väikesesse baari ning siis juba edasi koju.



I told you that on Wednesday we went to see one apartment what we really liked. It was so nice. We told the women that we are interested and we want this apartment and we are going to call her tomorrow to let her know that are we getting one paper from the bank. She said ok. When we called back the next day she told us that someone already rented the apartment, that they paid deposit right away. I was so sad, because she said that it’s ok to call back today, but why did she gave away the apartment. I really liked this place. This would have been the perfect place to live until we leave from Spain, but I guess we have to start looking the apartments again. I’ve looked the apartment every day, but I don’t find anything that awesome like that was. I’m sad. Well next time I’ll know that I need to carry a lot of cash with me to pay the deposit, because I guess telling that we want this apartment doesn’t matter. I just want to find a good apartment soon, so I can start doing something else besides looking for an apartment.

Today I’ll go to the irish bar again to find out if the owner has a job for me. Last time he offered me night time job in the bar, but I don’t want that. It’s 7pm-3am every day. Then I couldn’t be able to see Kyle, I can’t go out with other people and have to spend the days alone, so no thank you :) I told him that I’m looking for a day time job, so I guess I’ll find out today if he has something for me or not. I also went to Hard Rock Cafe, talked with the manager and gave them my resume. The manager told me that they don’t have any jobs available right now, but he will call me if they have any jobs. Everybody were really friendly and even spoke english, but the manager told me that I have to learn spanish because all the clients speak spanish in the restaurant.

We decided to go out in a bar with Chris because we hadn’t eaten dinner yet. We ordered some beers and got some free tapas. After that we went to Filmoteca (it’s a movie theatre what shows old classical movies) to watch old movie „Royal Wedding“ (1951) with Kyle’s friends from school and one teacher came with us too. The movie theatre, I mean the screen was outsite, so that was cool and how often do you watch old movies, so it was cool experience. The funniest thing was that Kyle’s teacher was so drunk. He was laughing almost the entire time while watching a movie and being really loud. First it was funny, but a little bit later not any more. After the movie we all went to a bar close there, had some drinks and then went home.


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