Thursday, November 18, 2010

Nädalavahetus Šveitsis/Weekend in Switzerland



Kyle käis hommikul tööl ja ülejäänud 2 tundi palus ta ühel tüdrukul asendada. Tund aega enne kodust lahkumist pakkisime kohvrid ning nädalavahetus võis alata. Läksime lennujaama poolteist tundi varem. Hea oli, et läksime varem kuna järjekord et pileteid kätte saada oli väga pikk. Lend ise kestis kõigest 1,5 tundi. Kohale jõudes ootasid meid suure kisaga lennujaamas Rosy, Laura ja Rosy ema kaameraga. Kohe kui Rosy meid nägi hakkas ta rõõmust kilkama ja seda rõõmuhõiset kuulis vist terve lennujaam :D Kõigil olid kõhud tühjad ning seetõttu läksime Geneva vanalinna õhtust sööma. Nagu te teate pole Hispaania toit väga hea ja seetõttu olime mõlemad õnnelikud, et esimene toit mis me Šveitsis söime oli väga maitsev. Geneva vein ja õlu olid samuti väga head. Esimest korda maitsesin mägi kitse liha koos kastani kastmega. Magustoiduks söime šokolaadikooki ning tagurpidi õunakooki.



Kyle went to work in the morning and the other 2 classes were covered by the other teacher. An hour before leaving to the airport we packed our bags and the fun weekend could start. There was a long line in check in in the airport so it was good that we went there 1,5 hours before the flight otherwise we would have missed the flight. The flight was only 1,5 hours so waiting in the check in line to give away our bag took even longer than the flight itself. When getting to Geneve Rosy, Laura and Rosy’s mom were waiting for us in the airport. Rosy started screaming and running towards us. I think everybody in the airport heard that happy scream, lol :D There was a traffic and it tooks us 2 hours to get to the city from airport. While sitting in the car we all were getting really hungry. We went out in the old town to eat dinner. Like you all know we haven’t found any good food in Spain, but the first dinner we ate in Switzerland was delicious. I ate mountain coat with chesnut sauce what was really good. We tried Geneva wine and beer those were good too. Switzerland is famous for it’s chocolate so for dessert we ate chocolate cake ;) It was a great beginning to the weekend.



Šokolaadi ja juustuvabrik/Chocolate and cheese factory



Ilmaga meil väga ei vedanud kuna sadas vihma, aga ega see meid takistanud. Hommikusöögiks söime värskeid šokolaadicrossante. Kas võib veel paremat hommikusööki tahta :D Šveits on tuntud juustu ja šokolaadi poolest sellepärast sõitsime linnast välja, et külastada juustu ja šokolaadivabrikut. Esimesena külastasime juustuvabrikut. Nägime kuidas juustu valmistatakse ning lõunasöögiks söime juustufondüüd. See oli minu esimene juustufondüü ja ütlen ausalt et see oli väga maitsev. Mina ja Kyle söime esimest korda hobuseliha. Algul tundus see mõte väga imelik, aga proovisime ära. Hobuseliha oli isegi parem kui mingi muu liha. Seejärel külastasime Nestle šokolaadivabrikut. Tavaliselt on muuseumid igavad kuna peab ainult lugema aga šokolaadimuuseum oli nii põnev. Ekskursioon kestis 20 minutit. Sisenesime erinevatesse ruumidesse kus kuulsime kuidas šokolaad tekkis. Ekskursiooni lõpus nägime kuidas šokolaadi valmistatakse ning saime süüa nii palju šokolaadi kui tahtsime. Kui me sealt vabrikust lahkusime et tahtnud keegi enam šokolaadi näha kuna söime liiga palju. Isegi väljas olles tundsid šokolaadi lõhna. Hakkasime tagasi sõitma kuna varsti oli pime. Tagasisõites hakkas väga palju vihma sadama. Tagasi Genevasse jõudes läksime Rosy korterisse et valmis sättida ennast välja minekuks. Saime ühes kohalikus baaris kokku Rosy sõpradega ning veetsime seal toreda õhtu.


It was raining but it didn’t stop us to doing our things. Rosy’s mom bought fresh chocolate crossants for breakfast, soooooo goooood :) Switzerland is well known for it’s cheese and chocolate so that’s why we decided to go to cheese and chocolate factory a little bit outside of Geneva First we went to the cheese factory. We saw and heard how cheese is made, it was interesting. We ate lunch in the factory and of course we ate cheese fondue what was my first fondue. It was really good. We dipped in potatoed and bread. Me and Kyle also ate horse meat for the first time. In the beginning it sounded weird but we still wanted to try it. I’m being honest it was better then any other meat :D Then we went to the Nestle chocolate factory. When you steped out from the car you could smell chocolate all around th area. In most of the museums you have to read but this factory had a really cool tour where you heard and saw everything about chocolate history. You entered to a different rooms where you heard different stories. We also saw how the chocolate is made. In the end of the tour you could eat as much chocolate as you wanted. I wanted to try everything and in the end we all felt so sick. It’s dangerous to be close to that much of chocolate, lol :D Before tasting different kinds of chocolate you could try freshly made chocolate. Me and Rosy took at least 8 handfuls of chocolate and putted in our bag, but after we left the factory we didn’t want to see chocolate anymore at all. We started to drive back because it was getting dark and it was still raining. In the evening we went out with Rosy’s friends.





Nii mõnus on kusagile reisida kui keegi tuttav või sõber elab seal kuna nemad teavad kuhu minna ja mida vaadata. Hommikusöögiks ostsime poest pool magusa Šveitsi saia mida Rosy soovitas proovida. Teel CERNi valmistasin auto tagaistmel meile kõigile hommiku võileivad. CERN oli väga põnev, eriti Kyle jaoks. Ta oli meie isiklik giid. Lausanne on väike ilus linnake Geneva järve kaldal. Jalutasime järve kaldal ja söime maitsvaid pannkooke. Järgmine linn järve kaldal oli Montreux kuhu sõitsime. See linn on tuntud iga aastase kuulsa jazz festivali poolest. Mööda Geneva järve kallast sõites ümbritsesid meid Alpid. Päris mägede tippu ei jõudnud sõita kuna oli juba päris pime. Õhtust sõime kodus. Rosyl oli masin mis sulatas juustu ning selle sulatatud juustu panime kartulite peale. Pole ma enne sellist masinat näinud aga õhtusöök oli hea. Olime kõik küll väga väsinud ringi sõitmisest aga otsustasime minna natukeseks ajaks klubisse.


It’s always good to travel somewhere if you know somebody living there. Like Switzerland where Rosy knows all the places to go and see. For breakfast be bought sweet bread from the grocery store what Rosy told us to try. I made some sandwitches for us in the back of the car while driving to CERN (the European Organization for Nuclear Research). Kyle liked that place a lot and he knew a lot about Big Bang Theory. He was our tour guide telling us some interesting facts about it. He told that he would like to be that kind of scientist. I know that he could be anything he wants to be. Lausanne is a city next to the Geneva lake. We went for a walk near the lake and ate delicious crepes with apple sauce. Next city we went to was Montreux. It is famous for it’s Jazz Festival. While driving around the Geneva lake the Alps where surrounding us. It was pretty. There were a little bit snow already on the top of the mountains. We drove up to the mountains but we didn’t make it to the top because it got dark quickly. We ate dinner at home. Rosy had a some kind of grill where you put cheese and it will melt and then you put the melted cheese on the potatoes. It was really good. We all were really tired of driving around all day and then eating cheese and drinking wine but we still decided to go out to a nightclub.


Viimane päev Genevas/Last day in Geneva



Hommikul vara ärkamine oli päris raske kuna läksime magama päris hilja aga tahtsime veel paljusid asju näha enne lahkumist. Esimesena suundusime rikkaste linnaossa kust avanes ilus vaade üle terve Geneva. Otsime pisikesest kohvikust värsked crossantid ning hommik võiski alata. Järgmine sihtpunkt oli purskkaev keset järve ning seejärel jalutasime vanalinnas ringi. Geneva on pühapäeviti täiesti tühi ja nii iga pühapäev. Pärast mõnusat jalutuskäiku läksime sõime hilist hommikusööki, külastasime Geneva kirikut, tegime paar pilti ÜRO peakorteri juures ning meie nädalavahetus Genevas oligi läbi. 1,5 tundi ja olime tagasi Madriidis. Suured tänud Rosyle ja Laurale kes meid ringi sõidutasid. Nädalavahetus Genevas oli väga lõbus!!!


It was really hard to wake up early in the morning if your out late and we had a long day yesterday but we wanted to see some things today too before going back to Madrid. First we drove to the rich people area where was a beautiful view all over Geneva. We bought some fresh crossants from a small bakery and then headed to see the famous fountain in Geneva. After nice walk in the old town we went to eat brunch. Geneva is so empty on Sundays, nobody is out, just like Madrid, weird. We also visited Geneva cathedral, took some pictures outside of the United Nations headquoters and our great weekend in Geneva was over. 1,5 hours and we were back in Madrid. Thank you so much to Rosy and Laura for the great weekend. We had a lot of fun ;)


Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Katy Perry and Linkin Park



Magasime lõunani. Vaatasime kodus filme. Kyle käis trennis ja peale seda saime teada et Madriidi kesklinnas on Katy Perry ja Linkin Parki tasuta kontsert. MTV Euroopa Muusikaauhindade jagamine oli sellel aastal Madriidis ja selletõttu toimus ka see kontsert. Läksime jooksuga sinna. Otsisime vähemalt 30 minutit kuidas me sisse saaksime, kuna igal pool oli politsei kes ei lasknud kedagi sisse. Kontsert toimus väljas ühel suurel maanteel mis oli kinni pandud selleks ürituseks. Lõpuks avati värav ja lasti inimesed sisse. Trügisime päris kaua et saada ekraani ette sest lava lähedale oli võimatu saada aga vaade sealt oli ka väga hea, olime täpselt ekraani all.Kontsert oli super, eriti Linkin Park.


We enjoy every moment we can sleep on the weekend, but we made a rule that we don’t sleep longer than 12. Kyle is finally feeling good and he decided to go to the gym again. After he came home we found out that there is a free Katy Perry and Linkin Park concert in the central. We ate dinner quickly and then went to the concert. I haven’t been to a lot of concerts only Backstreet Boys, Tim McGraw, Ziggy Marley and Jack Johnson, that’s it. So I was really excited to see Katy Perry and Linkin Park for free :D. Like 30 minutes we were trying to figure it out how to get it (The concert was outside on the street, but police didn’t let people in and we didn’t know why). Finally they let the people inside and we got a good spot right in front of the screen. The concert was awesome, especially Linkin Park. MTV Europe Music Awards was in Madrid this year so that’s why they had free concert outside too.

Lõbus laupäev/Fun Saturday



Olime kodus terve päeva ja õhtul läksime Briani sünnipäevale. Kõigepealt õhtusöök ühes tuntud restoranis Madriidis- Casa Mingo mis on tuntud oma kana poolest. Edasi suundusime Briani ja Erini korterisse kus mängisime beer pongi ning muidu lõbusaid kaardimänge.


One of our friend Brian had a birthday so we went out with them. First went to eat dinner in a famous resturant Casa Mingo what is famous for its cider and chicken. After delicious dinner we went to Brians and Erins apartment to hang out and play some beer pong :D Me and Megan won, yay :D Kyle and Brian lost. It was fun night! Metro stop driving 1:30 here, so we went home at that time, because we we’re too far away from home to miss it.

Hasta luego

Heleri :)

November :)



Kõigil oli täna vaba päev kuna püha oli. Magasime kaua ja võin öelda, et see oli üks laisk esmaspäev.


It was holiday in Spain again so we both didn’t have to work today. It was lazy Monday, lol :D



Kyle töötab nüüd täiskohaga koolis. Tööpäev algab kell 8 hommikul ja lõpeb kella 15-17 vahemikus.Teisipäeviti on tal 2 tunnine vahe hommikuse ja lõunase tunni vahel ning ta otsustas koju tulla. Kui Kyle kella 12:30ks uuesti tööle läks läksin mina ja tegin endale metro kuukaardi lõpuks ära ning käisin ka toidupoes. Õhtul kui hilja koju jõudsin töölt valmistasime õhtusöögi vaatasime filmi ning Kyle aitas mind natukene TOEFL testiga. Tahan TOEFL testi selle kuu lõpus ära teha, et tulemused enne jõule kätte saada.


Kyle is working full time now. 4 hours Monday and Wednesday and 3 hours Tuesday and Thursday. He might get more hours. Tuesday and Thursday he has 2 hour break between classes and he decided to come home. His work day starts 8 o’clock in the mornind. As you all know that he is not a morning person, so waking up 6:40 in the morning is really hard for him. I’m waking up with him every day so hopefully that helps a little bit. I finally did my metro pass for the whole month. Kyle has to do it this week too. I also went to buy groceries because the fridge was empty again. After I picked up Gonzalo from the bus stop we went to the hospital with him to find out if his sick or not. He had a fever and got some medicine for that, so tomorrow he stays home. In the evening we made dinner, watched a movie and Kyle helped me to study for the TOEFL test. I want to take that test in the end of November so I could get the results before Christmas and send those to Columbia College Chicago.



Käisin päeval tööl 10-14, kuna Gonzalo jäi haigeks. Mulle nii meeldiks hommikul või lõuna ajal töötada ja koju tulla samal ajal kui Kyle tuleb. Olen ju harjunud töötama 8-17, sellepärast õhtune töö mulle ei istu. Õhtul valmistasime maitsvad pita võileivad.Njämm.


Like I told you Gonzalo is sick so I went to work early in the afternoon 10 am- 1 pm. I wish I could work in the morning every day and be home when Kyle gets home, but I can’t. I haven’t found any other job and it’s so boring to be home all day alone. During the week we usually don’t go out, because Kyle have to wake up early every day, so we stayed in again.



Käisin tööl päeval jälle, kuna Gonzalo oli ikka veel haige. Oehh ma pole varem sellist last kohanud kes on nii kade. Ma ei või isegi tema mänguasjadega mängida või tema raamatuid vaadata. Pean lihtsalt istuma ja vaatama kuidas tema mängib. Ja kui ta oma tahtmist ei saa siis hakkab kisama ja jonnima. Õudne kuidas hispaania lapsed on ära hellitatud. Kutsusin Kyle kohtingule kinno ning õhtust söime itaalia restoranis.


I went to work early in the afternoon again, because Gonzalo stayed home today too. I’ve never seen that kind of 2,5 year old before. He doesn’t share at all. Even I can’t play with his toys or read his books. I just have to sit. Everything is his. He is spoiled and if he doesn’t get anything he starts screaming and crying. Horrbile child. I asked Kyle to come on a date with me :) We went to the movies (watched the movie „The Town“) and then to Italian restaurant to eat dinner.



Päeval käisime natuke linna peal jalutamas. Kyle tahab endale väikest arvutit osta kuna koolis töötades on vaja seega käisime natuke hindadega tutvumas. Söime paar head tapat Tapa44 baaris ning õhtu veetsime kodus veini, juustu, viinamarjade ning Burn Notice seriaali vaadates.


Be both enjoy not working on Fridays, it makes the weekend so much longer. We went out for a walk, Kyle wanted to check some computer prices because he needs to buy a computer for work. We ate light lunch in the Tapa44 bar and spent the evening at home with wine, grapes, cheese and watching tv show Burn Notice. It’s our new favorite show.

Heleri :)

Tuesday, November 2, 2010




Veetsime terve päeva kodus laiseldes. Õhtul tahtsime minna poodi ja paar asja osta, aga selgus, et kõik poed on pühapäeviti kinni. Tundub et inimesed siin üldse pühapäeviti poes ei käi. Tagasi koju jalutades möödusime bensiinijaamast ja nägime energiajoogi reklaami. Energiajoogi nimi oli Pussy. Inglise keeles tähendab see.... vaadake ise sõnaraamatust järele. Kes teab see teab. Kas inimesed ei oska tõesti inglise keelt Hispaanias. Kes paneb sellise nime energiajoogile. Meil oli nalja nabani, haha :D Tõestusmaterjal on pildil.

Kell 12 öösel otsustasime ikka linna peale jalutama minna, et näha kas inimesed siin Halloweeni ka tähistavad, sest Euroopas pole see nii populaarne. Isegi mina pole kunagi Halloweeni peol käinud. Loodetevasti järgmine aasta USAs on minu esimene kord. Paljudel noortel olid kostüümid seljas. Tüdrukud olid riietanud kõik nõidadeks, vampiirideks või muudeks õudsateks olevusteks. Kyle naeris, et inimesed siin ei saa aru kuidas riietuma peaks. Paar meie sõpra olid ka endale kostüümid selga pannud, päris naljakas oli. Veetsime paar lõbusat tundi paaris pubis.


We spend all day at home. In the evening we wanted to go to a store to buy some things, but all the shops were closed like grocery stores. I guess people in Madrid doesn’t need anything from stores on Sunday, lol. When walking back home we passed gas station and saw energy drink advertisement. Energy drink was called Pussy. Wow, really :D We have proof, the picture :D

At night around 12 we went out to meet some people. It was Halloween. People in Europe don’t celebrate Halloween that much, but some people still dress up. When walking toward Sol we saw girls dressed up as witches, and vampires. They all were dressed up as something scary. Kyle was laughing that girls don’t get the point how to dress up for Halloween. I’ve never been to a Halloween party and also I’ve never weared a costume. Hopefully next year in US will be my first time. Couple of our friends had costumes, it was pretty funny. We hung out in a irish bar couple of hours and then headed back home. Happy Halloween!

Heleri ;)

Sündmustevaene nädal/Uneventful week



Kyle’il oli pikk tööpäev täna. Mina jõudsin ka koju alles 9 ajal. Kuna meil kodus polnud midagi süüa siis läksime välja sööma. Me otsisime söögikohta vähemalt 20 minuti. Lõpuks leidsime tapa baari ja üllatuseks oli söök seal väga hea. Ei olnud ainult sai ja sink nagu igal pool mujal. Lõpuks ka midagi head siin linnas. Kyle on natukene tõbine, loodame, et ta väga haigeks ei jää.


Kyle had a long day at work and I got home after 9 as well. We didn’t have anything to eat at home so we decided to go out. There wasn’t any restaurant near our house. We walked 20 minutes in different directions. Every time we look for a place to eat we don’t find anything, I guess now we know that we find the place first at home by using google and then go to that place. I wasn’t that hungry, but Kyle was so we chooce a tapa bar called Tapa44. I wasn’t excited about this place, because I don’t like most of the tapas here in Spain too much bread, ham and cheese, but... suprisingly these tapas were really good. There wasn’t any bread, it was real food, for example potatoes with eggs and ham, fried cheese with marmelade etc. After light dinner we straight home.



Olime kodus terve päeva ja ei teinud midagi. Pidime sellel nädalavahetusel kuhugi minema, aga kuna Kyle oli haige siis jäime Madriidi. Õhtul otsustasime siiski kusagile välja sööma minna, sest kodus polnud midagi. Läksime suure pundi inimestega Saksa restorani ja toit oli seal päris maitsev.


Next Monday is a holiday in Spain so we had a long weekend ahead, but we didn’t go anywhere because Kyle was sick. We wanted to go to Barcelona, but our friend was fixing his apartment. After being home all day we decided to go out for a dinner to a German restaurant with a group of people. The food was good.



Kuna Kyle oli ikka veel tõbine siis olime päeval kodus ja vaatasime filme. Õhtul läksime jalutasime natuke värskes õhus ning otsustasime minna kahekesi restorani sööma. Viimane kord kui seda tegime oli vist eelmine detsember usas. Õhtusöök oli maitsev ja samuti magustoit. Restoran osutus isegi uhekmaks kui me mõtlesime, aga olime mõlemad rahul!


Kyles didn’t feel good yet so we stayed at home and watched movies like we always do. In the evening we went for a walk and decided to go out eat dinner a nice restaurant just two of us. Last time we did it was in Fredericksburg last december. We had a great evening together!

Heleri ;)