Thursday, November 18, 2010

Nädalavahetus Šveitsis/Weekend in Switzerland



Kyle käis hommikul tööl ja ülejäänud 2 tundi palus ta ühel tüdrukul asendada. Tund aega enne kodust lahkumist pakkisime kohvrid ning nädalavahetus võis alata. Läksime lennujaama poolteist tundi varem. Hea oli, et läksime varem kuna järjekord et pileteid kätte saada oli väga pikk. Lend ise kestis kõigest 1,5 tundi. Kohale jõudes ootasid meid suure kisaga lennujaamas Rosy, Laura ja Rosy ema kaameraga. Kohe kui Rosy meid nägi hakkas ta rõõmust kilkama ja seda rõõmuhõiset kuulis vist terve lennujaam :D Kõigil olid kõhud tühjad ning seetõttu läksime Geneva vanalinna õhtust sööma. Nagu te teate pole Hispaania toit väga hea ja seetõttu olime mõlemad õnnelikud, et esimene toit mis me Šveitsis söime oli väga maitsev. Geneva vein ja õlu olid samuti väga head. Esimest korda maitsesin mägi kitse liha koos kastani kastmega. Magustoiduks söime šokolaadikooki ning tagurpidi õunakooki.



Kyle went to work in the morning and the other 2 classes were covered by the other teacher. An hour before leaving to the airport we packed our bags and the fun weekend could start. There was a long line in check in in the airport so it was good that we went there 1,5 hours before the flight otherwise we would have missed the flight. The flight was only 1,5 hours so waiting in the check in line to give away our bag took even longer than the flight itself. When getting to Geneve Rosy, Laura and Rosy’s mom were waiting for us in the airport. Rosy started screaming and running towards us. I think everybody in the airport heard that happy scream, lol :D There was a traffic and it tooks us 2 hours to get to the city from airport. While sitting in the car we all were getting really hungry. We went out in the old town to eat dinner. Like you all know we haven’t found any good food in Spain, but the first dinner we ate in Switzerland was delicious. I ate mountain coat with chesnut sauce what was really good. We tried Geneva wine and beer those were good too. Switzerland is famous for it’s chocolate so for dessert we ate chocolate cake ;) It was a great beginning to the weekend.




  1. eestlastel on ju Viiiiiin mitte Geneva ;)

  2. hah okei sajandi blond :D viin on ikka viin:D aga geneva on eestlastel ju ikkagi teise nimega - hoopis genf! :D kui just wiki mulle nüüd käru ei keera:D
