Magasime lõunani. Vaatasime kodus filme. Kyle käis trennis ja peale seda saime teada et Madriidi kesklinnas on Katy Perry ja Linkin Parki tasuta kontsert. MTV Euroopa Muusikaauhindade jagamine oli sellel aastal Madriidis ja selletõttu toimus ka see kontsert. Läksime jooksuga sinna. Otsisime vähemalt 30 minutit kuidas me sisse saaksime, kuna igal pool oli politsei kes ei lasknud kedagi sisse. Kontsert toimus väljas ühel suurel maanteel mis oli kinni pandud selleks ürituseks. Lõpuks avati värav ja lasti inimesed sisse. Trügisime päris kaua et saada ekraani ette sest lava lähedale oli võimatu saada aga vaade sealt oli ka väga hea, olime täpselt ekraani all.Kontsert oli super, eriti Linkin Park.
We enjoy every moment we can sleep on the weekend, but we made a rule that we don’t sleep longer than 12. Kyle is finally feeling good and he decided to go to the gym again. After he came home we found out that there is a free Katy Perry and Linkin Park concert in the central. We ate dinner quickly and then went to the concert. I haven’t been to a lot of concerts only Backstreet Boys, Tim McGraw, Ziggy Marley and Jack Johnson, that’s it. So I was really excited to see Katy Perry and Linkin Park for free :D. Like 30 minutes we were trying to figure it out how to get it (The concert was outside on the street, but police didn’t let people in and we didn’t know why). Finally they let the people inside and we got a good spot right in front of the screen. The concert was awesome, especially Linkin Park. MTV Europe Music Awards was in Madrid this year so that’s why they had free concert outside too.
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