Kyle’il oli pikk tööpäev täna. Mina jõudsin ka koju alles 9 ajal. Kuna meil kodus polnud midagi süüa siis läksime välja sööma. Me otsisime söögikohta vähemalt 20 minuti. Lõpuks leidsime tapa baari ja üllatuseks oli söök seal väga hea. Ei olnud ainult sai ja sink nagu igal pool mujal. Lõpuks ka midagi head siin linnas. Kyle on natukene tõbine, loodame, et ta väga haigeks ei jää.
Kyle had a long day at work and I got home after 9 as well. We didn’t have anything to eat at home so we decided to go out. There wasn’t any restaurant near our house. We walked 20 minutes in different directions. Every time we look for a place to eat we don’t find anything, I guess now we know that we find the place first at home by using google and then go to that place. I wasn’t that hungry, but Kyle was so we chooce a tapa bar called Tapa44. I wasn’t excited about this place, because I don’t like most of the tapas here in Spain too much bread, ham and cheese, but... suprisingly these tapas were really good. There wasn’t any bread, it was real food, for example potatoes with eggs and ham, fried cheese with marmelade etc. After light dinner we straight home.
Olime kodus terve päeva ja ei teinud midagi. Pidime sellel nädalavahetusel kuhugi minema, aga kuna Kyle oli haige siis jäime Madriidi. Õhtul otsustasime siiski kusagile välja sööma minna, sest kodus polnud midagi. Läksime suure pundi inimestega Saksa restorani ja toit oli seal päris maitsev.
Next Monday is a holiday in Spain so we had a long weekend ahead, but we didn’t go anywhere because Kyle was sick. We wanted to go to Barcelona, but our friend was fixing his apartment. After being home all day we decided to go out for a dinner to a German restaurant with a group of people. The food was good.
Kuna Kyle oli ikka veel tõbine siis olime päeval kodus ja vaatasime filme. Õhtul läksime jalutasime natuke värskes õhus ning otsustasime minna kahekesi restorani sööma. Viimane kord kui seda tegime oli vist eelmine detsember usas. Õhtusöök oli maitsev ja samuti magustoit. Restoran osutus isegi uhekmaks kui me mõtlesime, aga olime mõlemad rahul!
Kyles didn’t feel good yet so we stayed at home and watched movies like we always do. In the evening we went for a walk and decided to go out eat dinner a nice restaurant just two of us. Last time we did it was in Fredericksburg last december. We had a great evening together!
Heleri ;)
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