Thursday, November 18, 2010




Nii mõnus on kusagile reisida kui keegi tuttav või sõber elab seal kuna nemad teavad kuhu minna ja mida vaadata. Hommikusöögiks ostsime poest pool magusa Šveitsi saia mida Rosy soovitas proovida. Teel CERNi valmistasin auto tagaistmel meile kõigile hommiku võileivad. CERN oli väga põnev, eriti Kyle jaoks. Ta oli meie isiklik giid. Lausanne on väike ilus linnake Geneva järve kaldal. Jalutasime järve kaldal ja söime maitsvaid pannkooke. Järgmine linn järve kaldal oli Montreux kuhu sõitsime. See linn on tuntud iga aastase kuulsa jazz festivali poolest. Mööda Geneva järve kallast sõites ümbritsesid meid Alpid. Päris mägede tippu ei jõudnud sõita kuna oli juba päris pime. Õhtust sõime kodus. Rosyl oli masin mis sulatas juustu ning selle sulatatud juustu panime kartulite peale. Pole ma enne sellist masinat näinud aga õhtusöök oli hea. Olime kõik küll väga väsinud ringi sõitmisest aga otsustasime minna natukeseks ajaks klubisse.


It’s always good to travel somewhere if you know somebody living there. Like Switzerland where Rosy knows all the places to go and see. For breakfast be bought sweet bread from the grocery store what Rosy told us to try. I made some sandwitches for us in the back of the car while driving to CERN (the European Organization for Nuclear Research). Kyle liked that place a lot and he knew a lot about Big Bang Theory. He was our tour guide telling us some interesting facts about it. He told that he would like to be that kind of scientist. I know that he could be anything he wants to be. Lausanne is a city next to the Geneva lake. We went for a walk near the lake and ate delicious crepes with apple sauce. Next city we went to was Montreux. It is famous for it’s Jazz Festival. While driving around the Geneva lake the Alps where surrounding us. It was pretty. There were a little bit snow already on the top of the mountains. We drove up to the mountains but we didn’t make it to the top because it got dark quickly. We ate dinner at home. Rosy had a some kind of grill where you put cheese and it will melt and then you put the melted cheese on the potatoes. It was really good. We all were really tired of driving around all day and then eating cheese and drinking wine but we still decided to go out to a nightclub.


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