Kõigil oli täna vaba päev kuna püha oli. Magasime kaua ja võin öelda, et see oli üks laisk esmaspäev.
It was holiday in Spain again so we both didn’t have to work today. It was lazy Monday, lol :D
Kyle töötab nüüd täiskohaga koolis. Tööpäev algab kell 8 hommikul ja lõpeb kella 15-17 vahemikus.Teisipäeviti on tal 2 tunnine vahe hommikuse ja lõunase tunni vahel ning ta otsustas koju tulla. Kui Kyle kella 12:30ks uuesti tööle läks läksin mina ja tegin endale metro kuukaardi lõpuks ära ning käisin ka toidupoes. Õhtul kui hilja koju jõudsin töölt valmistasime õhtusöögi vaatasime filmi ning Kyle aitas mind natukene TOEFL testiga. Tahan TOEFL testi selle kuu lõpus ära teha, et tulemused enne jõule kätte saada.
Kyle is working full time now. 4 hours Monday and Wednesday and 3 hours Tuesday and Thursday. He might get more hours. Tuesday and Thursday he has 2 hour break between classes and he decided to come home. His work day starts 8 o’clock in the mornind. As you all know that he is not a morning person, so waking up 6:40 in the morning is really hard for him. I’m waking up with him every day so hopefully that helps a little bit. I finally did my metro pass for the whole month. Kyle has to do it this week too. I also went to buy groceries because the fridge was empty again. After I picked up Gonzalo from the bus stop we went to the hospital with him to find out if his sick or not. He had a fever and got some medicine for that, so tomorrow he stays home. In the evening we made dinner, watched a movie and Kyle helped me to study for the TOEFL test. I want to take that test in the end of November so I could get the results before Christmas and send those to Columbia College Chicago.
Käisin päeval tööl 10-14, kuna Gonzalo jäi haigeks. Mulle nii meeldiks hommikul või lõuna ajal töötada ja koju tulla samal ajal kui Kyle tuleb. Olen ju harjunud töötama 8-17, sellepärast õhtune töö mulle ei istu. Õhtul valmistasime maitsvad pita võileivad.Njämm.
Like I told you Gonzalo is sick so I went to work early in the afternoon 10 am- 1 pm. I wish I could work in the morning every day and be home when Kyle gets home, but I can’t. I haven’t found any other job and it’s so boring to be home all day alone. During the week we usually don’t go out, because Kyle have to wake up early every day, so we stayed in again.
Käisin tööl päeval jälle, kuna Gonzalo oli ikka veel haige. Oehh ma pole varem sellist last kohanud kes on nii kade. Ma ei või isegi tema mänguasjadega mängida või tema raamatuid vaadata. Pean lihtsalt istuma ja vaatama kuidas tema mängib. Ja kui ta oma tahtmist ei saa siis hakkab kisama ja jonnima. Õudne kuidas hispaania lapsed on ära hellitatud. Kutsusin Kyle kohtingule kinno ning õhtust söime itaalia restoranis.
I went to work early in the afternoon again, because Gonzalo stayed home today too. I’ve never seen that kind of 2,5 year old before. He doesn’t share at all. Even I can’t play with his toys or read his books. I just have to sit. Everything is his. He is spoiled and if he doesn’t get anything he starts screaming and crying. Horrbile child. I asked Kyle to come on a date with me :) We went to the movies (watched the movie „The Town“) and then to Italian restaurant to eat dinner.
Päeval käisime natuke linna peal jalutamas. Kyle tahab endale väikest arvutit osta kuna koolis töötades on vaja seega käisime natuke hindadega tutvumas. Söime paar head tapat Tapa44 baaris ning õhtu veetsime kodus veini, juustu, viinamarjade ning Burn Notice seriaali vaadates.
Be both enjoy not working on Fridays, it makes the weekend so much longer. We went out for a walk, Kyle wanted to check some computer prices because he needs to buy a computer for work. We ate light lunch in the Tapa44 bar and spent the evening at home with wine, grapes, cheese and watching tv show Burn Notice. It’s our new favorite show.
Heleri :)
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