Thursday, October 14, 2010




Julie ja Mary otsustasid ka Sevillasse tulla. Nad jõudsid Sevillasse hommikul 8 paiku. Hommikul ootas meid ka üllatus, väljas sadas ladinal vihma. Leidsime väikese kohviku kus söime hommikust. Peale seda võtsime oma vihmavarjud ja läksime linna peale jalutama. Mõnekümne minuti pärast olid jalad märjad, aga ega see meid ei peatanud. Kyle, Mary ja Julie otsustasid minna Sevilla kirikusse sisse. Mina ei läinud, kuna see maksis raha ja olen Euroopas väga paljusid suuri kirikuid seest näinud. Kyle’ile oli see aga esmakordne. Ootasin neid väljas. Peale nende ringkäiku kirikus jäi ka vihm järele ja päike tuli välja. Jalutasime Plaza de Espana poole, see on siis mingisugune väljak. See oli väga lahe väljak. Turistipildid tehtud suundusime tagasi hotelli, et võtta oma kohvrid ja minna meie rendiautole järgi. Meie autoks osutus sinine Skoda. GPS me ei võtnud, kuna see maksis rohkem kui auto. Ostsime Hispaania teede kaardi ja lootsime et suudame selle abil õigetesse linnadesse jõuda. Eks see paistab. Võtsime auto Sevillas ja tagasi viime Cordobasse, kui me sinna kohale muidugi jõuame. Kyle ei olnud kaua aega manuaaliga sõitnud ja palusime tal parkimisplatsil paar tiiru teha enne kui ta suurtele teedele sõitma läheb. Ütleme nii, et ta sai päris hästi hakkama. Küsisime mis suunas peame sõitma hakkama, et Cadiz jõuda ning hakkasime sõitma. Otsisime tükk aega silti mis näitaks Cadizi poole ja lõpuks selle ka leidsime.

Sevilla- Cadiz 130 km ja sõitsime sinna kusagil 1 tund ja 30 minutit. Cadiz on ajalooline sadama linn. Hooned olid seal väga vanad ja stiili poolest sarnanesid need araabiamaadega. Söime õhtust seal ning siis otsustasid Mary ja Julie koju minna bussiga. Meie jätkasime oma reisi. Hakkasime sõitma Marbella suunas ja otsustasime leida hotelli kusagil seal lähedal. Vihma sadas terve tee. Kyle oli väsinud juba ja otsustasime, et esimene hotell mida me kusagil näeme lähme sinna. Enne Marbellat me midagi ei leidnud. Marbellas sadas ka vihma ja oli pime, seega me linna ei näinud ning hotelli ka ei leidnud. Hotellid olid kas liiga kallid või polnud neil ühtegi vaba tuba. Sõitsime siis edasi ning lõpuks leidsime ühe hotelli kiirtee kõrval. Pimedas sõites me muidugi paljusid hotelle ei näinud või siis sõitsime neist mööda ja ei olnud võimalik tagasi minna.

Rohkem pilte siin:


Julie and Mary decided to come to Sevilla also. They took a night bus and arrived to Sevilla 8 o’clock in the morning. There was a surprise also that morning- it was raining outside. We took out our umbrellas and went to look for a place to eat breakfast. We found a small cafe and the food was really cheap and good also. After breakfast we were walking in the city and pretty soon my feet were so wet. We went to the hotel, changed the shoes and did check out. We left our bags in the hotel until we were done touring in the city. Kyle, Mary and Julie decided to go inside the Sevillas Cathedral. I’ve seen a lot of old Europeans cathedrals and churches so I didn’t want to spend money on that. Kyle went because this is something new and exciting for him to see those kind of old cathedrals. He told me after that is has been the coolest church he has ever seen. At least it stoped raining when they came out the cathedral. I was waiting for them inside the entrance. After that we headed towards Plaza de Espana. That square was so amazing. After we’ve done taking pictures of the city we went back to the hotel, took our bags and went to pick up our car from rental company. We got blue Skoda. Not bad car :D We didn’t get GPS, because it was more than the car. We bought Spain road map and hoped that we can find all the cities with that. Old school! We are returning the car in Cordoba if we make it there, lol. The car was manual. Kyle told us that he hasn’t driven with manual a long time, so he had to do some circles in the parking lot before going to the roads. He was good! We asked how to find a road what goes to Cadiz and then started to drive. We were looking for a sign to Cadiz long time and after driving 20 minutes we found it.

Sevilla- Cadiz 130 km and it took us 1 hour and 30 minutes to get there. Cadiz is city and port in southwestern Spain. The city has well-preserved historical buildings. We all ate dinner in a restuarant and after that Julie and Mary decided to go back to Madrid with a bus. We continued our trip. We started to driving towards Marbella. It was dark and raining. Kyle was getting really tired. We got in Marbella, but didn’t find any available hotels. We didn’t see the city at all, because it was raining outside. We started to drive again and finally just stayed in a hotel near the highway. It was a little bit expensive , but we didn’t have any other choice, because we didn’t want to sleep in the car. I bet there was more hotels near the highway, but because it was dark we couldn’t find anything. At least the price included breakfast buffee. Hopefully it’s good. It didn’t even took us a second to fall asleep we were so tired.

More photos here:


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