Friday, October 15, 2010




Malaga- Granada on kusagil 140 km ja sõit sinna kestis kusagil 2 tundi. Sõit sinna oli väga äge, kuna teel sinna ümbritsesid meid Sierra Nevada mäed. Eks see sõit kaardi abil on ikka pingeline, kuna peab jälgima mis teedel oled ja kuhu pead minema. Meie saime päris hästi hakkama. Olen uhke meie üle!!! Eelmisel õhtul broneerisime oma hotelli ka Granadas. Linna sisse sõites otsisime hotelli ligi tund aega. Meil ei olnud linna kaarti ja seetõttu ei olnud meil õrna aimu ka kuhu poole me pidime sõitma. Lõpuks küsisime kus asub see tänav ning pika otsimise peale leidsime hotelli ülesse. Parkisime auto parklasse, mis oli odavam kui parkla hotellis. Jällegi saime linna kaardi hotellist ning küsisime mida me kindlasti peaksime Granadas nägema. Vihma hakkas sadama ja otsustasime teha esimese peatuse ühes väikeses baaris kus jõime klaasi kohalikku õlut, mis oli päris maitsev. Granada meeldis meile mõlemale väga. Tegime linnale tiiru peale. Tahtsime minna Alhambra paleesse, aga sinna peab pileti juba varakult ära ostma (mitmeid päevi enne sinna minekut), kuna järjekorrad on pikad. Jalutasime mööda väikseid tänavaid mis olid nii armsad oma valgete majadega. Jõudsime mäe tippu kus avanes vaade üle Granada. Tagasi jalutades sattusime tänavale kus olid araabiamaade restoranid ning samuti ka poed. Otsustasime süüa lõunat seal, midagi teistsugust vahelduseks. Morocco tee oli nii maitsev ja söök samuti. Ei taha koguaeg Hispaania toitu süüa seega see oli õige valik. Vihm ei jäänud järele ja mul hakkas nii külm. Otsustasime tagasi hotelli jalutada. Teel hotelli leidsime ühe väga laheda baari kus jõime klaasi veini mõlemad ja saime tasuta tapa. Päev Granadas oli väga lahe!

Rohkem pilte siin:


Malaga- Granada is about 140 km and it took us about 2 hours to get there. Drive to Granada was really awesome, because the Sierra Nevada mountains were surrounding us the whole way. Driving without GPS it’s not that easy sometimes, especially in the cities where you have no idea where are one way streets and we didn’t want to drive out the city to the highway again, because then we couldn’t turn around to go back. I can say that we made a good team and we found all the cities and all the right roads. I’m proud of us!!! Last night we booked our hotel in Granada also. We were looking for the hotel for like an hour in the city. This time we had the city map, but in Spain there is really hard to find street names. We parked the car near the hotel where was cheaper than in the hotel parking lot. We took the map and started to walk towards the city center. It was like 15 minutes walk from the hotel. It started to rain on the way to the center and we decided to stop in a bar and drink a beer. The rain didn’t stop so we started to walk again. Granada is really cool too. Right now we both like Malaga and Granada. Granada has old buildings. There is Alhambra palace in Granada, but to go there for a tour you have to book it many days before your visit. We’ll go there next time. The small streets with white houses are so cute. We walked on the top of the hill where was a view over Granada. When walking back we found a shopping street. It felt like we were in Morocco or some other Arabic country. We ate lunch in arabic restaurant, it was really good- hummus, cuscus and moroccon mint tea. I just felt like eating something else than Spanish food. It still didn’t stop raining and it was starting to get cold outside. We went back to the hotel. On the way to the hotel we stopped in a really cool bar drink wine and ate some free tapas. Day in Granada was successful.

More pictures here:


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