Thursday, October 14, 2010

Esimene päev lapsehoidjana/First day as a babysitter



Kyle läks kella 13st tööle ja mina läksin panka otsima, kus saaksime konto teha, et Kyle saaks endale spordiklubi kaardi teha ning samuti et saaksime telefoni kuukaardi osta. Mina läksin esimest korda tööle täna. Hakkasin 16 paiku sõitma, kuna metrooga sõidan 20-25 minutit ja pean veel 15 minutit sinna korterisse jalutama. Kell 17:15 läksime Gonzalole bussi vastu koos tema emaga. Gonzalo on 2,5 aastane poiss kelle lapsehoidja ja inglise keele õpetaja ma olen esmaspäevast neljapäevani 17-20. Ta käib koolis väljaspool Madriidi. Jalutasime koju ja nende korteri lähedal nägi ta väikest poissi kes sõitis politseiautoga. Muidugi hakkas ta nutma kui selgus, et tema ei saa sellega sõita. Kuna ta oli kindlasti ka pikast päevast väsinud siis jonnis ta lausa 2 tundi. Ma juba hirmunult mõtlesin, et kas ta selline ongi koguaeg, see oleks hirmus olnud, aga õnneks rahunes varsti maha ning läksime parki mängima koos teise lapsehoidjaga, kes hoiab väikest 8 kuust poissi ja kes elab nendega koos. Pargis oli ta lõbus väike poiss. Mängisime 2 tundi pargis ja seejärel jalutasime koju. Eks natukene raske on, kuna ma ei saa koguaeg temast aru sest ta räägib hispaania keeles. Mina aga räägin temaga ainult inglise keeles, sest ega ta muudmoodi ei õpi seda rääkima. Selgitan asju lihtsalt ja loodan, et ta ikka saab aru, sest koolis räägitakse temaga ka ainult inglise keeles. Arvan, et esimene päev oli edukas. Homme jälle! Ainuke asi on see, et ma pole harjunud töötama õhtuti, seega see on ainult väsitav. Olen harjunud 9-17 tööpäevaga ja õhtud on vabad, aga mis teha, siin teistsugune töögraafik. Pean natukene harjuma.


Kyle went to work 2 o’clock and I went to find a bank where I can do an account. We need the account so Kyle can buy gym membership and we can start paying monthly for the phone. I had a first day as a babysitter and a english teacher. I’m working 5-8 PM Monday to Thursday usually, but days switch sometimes. It takes me 45 minutes to get to the place where this family lives. I’m babysitting 2,5 year old boy. His name is Gonzalo. I have to pick him up from buss stop every day. He is going to school an hour away from the city. It’s english speaking school. (It’s not a real school, but they call it school, mayby it’s a preschool) Her mom wants him to learn english in young age. This time we went to pick him up together. Then we walked back home. On the way home he saw a boy driving with small police car. He wanted to drive it too, but the other boy was a little bit jealous, so he started to cry. I think he was also tired from school, because he has long days. He was crying long time and I was really hoping that his not like that all the time. Finally he calmed down and we went to the park to play. Other nanny came with me too. He is live in nanny who is taking care of 8 months old boy. We were playing in the park for 2 hours. At least he was having fun playing with other children. I can understand some words he is saying, but not everything. I’m talking with him only in English. I’m explaining things, telling what he can or cannot do. I think I had an succesful first day at work. Tomorrow again. Only thing what I’m not used to is working in the evenings. I’m used to working 8 AM- 5 PM every day, so if I’m staying home all day and then have to go to work it’s something new to me. It takes a little bit time to get used do, but I think I’ll be fine!


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