Thursday, October 14, 2010

Sunday night football!



Üllatus üllatus.. kui üles ärkasin valmistas mu kallike hommikusööki :) Jalutasime kinno, et näha mis filmid neil on ja palju pilet maksab. Kahjuks jäime 20 minutit hiljaks filmile mida näha tahtsime ja muud midagi meile silma ei hakanud. Jalutasime Plaza Mayori poole, kus olid 2 suurt telki, kus toimus Argentiina näitus. Müüdi erinevaid sööke, jooke, ehteid, suveniire jne. Ostsime pisikese koti täie puuvilja maitselisi marmelaade. Need olid nii maitsvad. Jalutasime kaubamaja poole ja seal toimus tasuta kontsert. Bänd oli hea aga kaua kuulata ei saanud kuna hakkas vihma sadama ja läksime koju. Õhtul tellisime Doomino pizza ja vaatasime ameerika jalgpalli. Meie meeskond- Redskins võitis, jeeee ;)


Surprise Surprise... When I woke up Kyle was making me breakfast. He is precious!!! In the afternoon we went for a walk in the central and also wanted to go and see a movie, but we were late 20 minutes to the movie we wanted to see. Next time. We walked towards Plaza Mayor. There was Argentina exhibition. There were a lot of food, drinks and souvenirs from Argentina. We found a lot of cool things, but we didn’t buy anything. Only thing we bought were different fruit flavor marmelade. Those were delicious. After that we walked towards El Corte Ingles mall and saw that there was a free concert. Some band was performing on big stage, there were so many people. I have no idea who they were, but the music was good. We listened to it for a bit and then went home, because it started to rain. Kyle went to buy Dominos pizza for dinner. It was really good. Kyle said that it’s better in here than in US. While eating pizza we were watching Redskins game. They won, yaya!!!!!!


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