Oehh, te ei kujuta ette kui raske oli üles ärgata kell 7 hommikul, kuna saime magada ainult 3-4 tundi. Olime mõlemad nii väsinud. Meie buss väljus 8:30 ja tunni aja pärast olime San Martini viinamarja väljadel. Me võime nüüd mõlemad öelda, et oleme Hispaanias viinamarju korjanud. 20 minutit oli lahe, aga kui saime teada, et peame viinamarju korjama 2 tundi siis enam nii lahe ei olnud :D Vaade viinamarjapõllult mägedele oli äge. Viinamarjad ise olid väga maitsvad. Tubli töö eest said kõik endale pudeli kohalikku veini. Lõuna paiku tuli buss meile järgi ja viis meid kohta, kus valmistatakse kohalikku veini. Seal valmistatud vein on saanud tiitli Kolmas parim vein Hispaanias. Peale ekskursiooni sõitsime bussiga kusagile farmi, kus söime lõunat. Meie sõitsime tagasi varem, kuna 2 sõpra Tallinnast- Liivi ja Martin ööbisid meie juures Madriidis. Olin küll väga väsinud, aga läksime kõik neljakesi välja linna peale jalutama ja õhtust sööma. Jällegi üks tore laupäev möödas!
Rohkem pilte siin: http://picasaweb.google.com/HeleriR/SanMartinDeValdeiglesiasVineyards
You have no idea how hard it was to wake up 7am, when you only got 3 hours sleep. I’m still surprised that we both did it. Our bus left 8:30 am to go to San Martin Vineyards. It was 1 hour bus ride and everybody were sleeping in the bus, because it was Friday yesterday. Finally bus stoped in the middle of nowhere and left. What now? :D We saw the grape fields and we started to pick grapes. That was so cool. Now we can say that we have picked grapes in Spain, not everybody can do that. It was fun first 20 minutes and when we found out that we have to pick the grapes for 2 hours it wasn’t that fun anymore, lol:) The view what we saw while picking grapes was amazing. The grapes were delicious and after doing a good job everybody got a bottle of wine. After that we went to the winery to see how the wine is made. When I saw the place I knew that I don’t want to drink wine what comes from there. All the street dust came inside the house and on the grapes...but we found out the the wine over there is the 3rd best wine in Spain. I was surprised. After the excursion we drove to La Ventana farm where we ate lunch and took a siesta. We went back to Madrid, because 2 of my friends from Estonia came to stay with us for one night. They are going to USA and had a layover in Madrid. We all went out for a walk in the city and ate dinner in a good restaurant. Kyle met my first two friends, cool :)
More photos here: http://picasaweb.google.com/HeleriR/SanMartinDeValdeiglesiasVineyards
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