Friday, October 15, 2010

Costa del Sol/Malaga



Hommikul läksime söime buffee hommikusööki, mis oli hotellitoa hinna sees. Valik oli suur ja toit väga maitsev. Enne kui hotellist lahkusime läksime vaatasime natuke ümbruskonnas ringi. Hotelli taga oli kohe rand, see oli päris lahe. Selles piirkonnas on puhkemajad, mida inimesed saavad välja rentida. Kogu see rannikupiirkond oli Costa del Sol. Panime kohvrid autosse ning suundusime Malaga poole. Sõit mööda rannikut oli imeline. Cadiz-Malaga on kusagil 300 km, aga me olime juba nii lähedal ja sõita oli jäänud ainult 45 minutit. Hommikul broneerisime endale ka hotelli Malagas. Kohe alguses Malaga linna sisse sõites meeldis see meile. Sõitsime ringi ja otsisime oma hotelli. Parkisime auto kuna ringi sõites ei leidnud me hotelli ning liiklus oli väga keeruline. Lootsime, et jalutades leiame hotelli kiiremini ülesse ning see meil ka õnnestus. Sõitsime hotelli lähedal asuvasse parklasse ning viisime kohvrid hotelli. Kyle läks parkis auto hotelli parklasse. Saime hotellist linna kaardi ja päev Malagas võis alata. Käisime pildistasime tähtsamad vaatamisväärsused ning suundusime randa. Malaga on väga ilus linn. Minu lemmik linn Hispaanias hetkel. Ilm oli soe ja nii mõnus oli jälle lühikeste pükstega väljas jalutada. Rand oli super. Me mõlemad mõtlesime, et mida me küll Madriidis teeme,kolime hoopis siia. Hispaania on tuntud kui ka alasti randade poolest, nii vähemalt ütles Kyle mulle, et nemad teavad et paljud inimesed, täpsemalt siis naised päevitavad topless. Ta tahtis nii väga kinnitust saada, et see on tõsi ja ta tõesti leidis ühe naise rannast ilma rinnahoidjata. Kahjuks ei olnud see noor ilus tüdruk, vaid keskeas naisterahvas. Nalja mul kui palju. Suundusime tagasi kesklinna et süüa hilist lõunat. Kella 19ks läksime tagasi hotelli, kuna Kyle’il hakkas jalgpallimäng ja ta tahtis seda vaadata. Sellega ka meie õhtu lõppes. Igal õhtul oleme me mõlemad suht kiiresti magama jäänud, kuna päevad on pikad ja väsitavad- ega reisimine kerge pole :)

Rohkem pilte siin:


In the morning we ate buffee breakfast. There was a big choice of food and it was really good. Before checking out from the hotel we went for a walk outside. Last night it was dark and we didn’t see where we were. The hotel was on the beach. It was so cool. It was resort area where people come for vacations and rent a house on the beach. The costal area is called Costa del Sol. We started to driving towards Malaga. Drive near the coast was amazing. It was only 45 minutes to Malaga from the hotel where we stayed. In the morning we also booked a hotel in Malaga for next night, because we didn’t want to start looking for a hotel over there. When we drove into the city we both already liked it. We were driving around and looking for the hotel. It was hard to find it because we didn’t have the city map. We parked the car and asked people where is the hotel. It didn’t took us a long time to figure it out. We drove to the hotel, parked the car and took the bags to our room. People in the reception gave us the city map and showd us where to go and what to see. Here we go again! We walked around the city center, took pictures of the sightseeings and then started to walk towards the beach. Malaga is really pretty. My favorite city in Spain right now. The weather was warm, it was so good to wear shorts again. The beach was cool. It wasn’t that warm, but a lot of people were tanning on the beach. That moment we were thinking that why are we living in Madrid, lets move here. Kyle told me that he knows that girls in Europe are tanning topless, so he was trying to find a naked girl on the beach. He didn’t have to look for long time. He saw 2 women on the beach topless, one was around 40 and the other one around 60, lol :D I think he wasn’t expecting to see that, but at least now he knows that it’s true. After a short walk on the beach we headed back to the central to find a place to eat dinner, because Kyle wanted to be back in the hotel 7PM to watch Redskins game. That was the last thing we did in Malaga, because after the game we both fell asleep.

More pictures here:


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